Most of the time when people considering developing their intuition, they can sometimes have myths that developing your intuition means going to the depths of your soul and rehashing all the dark things or experiences you’ve put in that pandora’s box…
And that is not the case… You can have so much fun exploring your connection with your intuition and today I am going to reveal 3 of my favourites exercises I have done over the years to:
✨ Create a stronger bond with that intuitive aspect of self
✨ Develop more trust & increase self confidence when using your intuition
✨ Let go of expectations about being right or wrong with the outcome
✨ Have more freedom to allow your soul to give you more guidance
✨ Ask quality questions to open that channel between yourself & your intuition
Intuition is about be curious, explorative & open minded to understand that your soul is with you all the time sharing with you guidance & direction – all you need to do is learn to just tap into it…
So My 3 Favourite Intuition Exercises Are:
1. Guess Who’s Calling/Texting – Turn your phone upside down and tune into the energy of the person calling/texting… Allow the first name to enter your consciousness, then pick up your phone…
2. Open A Random Book – Choose any book you are drawn too..Think of a question you are seeking an answer for… Think left or right and then just open the book to any page and read the first paragraph your drawn to on the page that is either right or left…
Consider how what you’ve read is it relevant to your current question, thoughts, feelings & emotions…
3. Pendulum or Candle – Preset your pendulum or candle to know which is your ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ (watch the video below to learn how to do this)…
Now with this exercises because the answers can only come in the form of yes and know, be specific to ask questions that fall into those two categories of yes and no…
When you allow playfulness into your learning process you start to unleash your inner guidance system to kick in and enjoy the process so much more… I want for you today to understand that going within can be alot of fun… That its not all darkness and pain, yet rather enjoyable, inspiring & creative…
Give yourself permission to explore your intuition with fun…
Much Love
Rachael xx