A New Moon sparks that inspiration of being deeply connected with our dreams…
It’s as if the New Moon energy opens up a portal of self-belief that drives you towards feeling you can achieve anything… Right…
However, I’ve heard so many gorgeous women say to me “Rachael, I started off so determined with my dream and somehow it just doesn’t light up my soul anymore”…
This is a pure example of how your dreams was yours to begin with yet is now motivated and driven to make someone else happy… Let me explain…
Say you want to start your own business, you start the journey feeling so in tune with the big picture dream of what you want to do, who you want to serve and how much money you want to make… Then after a short period of time your focus becomes centred around someone else’s need…
Your eneregtic frequency for you dreams shifts towards, I need to make this dream come true because my family is needs this to happen, I need to make this X amount of money otherwise I’m letting them down… This has to work because I’m investing so much time, energy & money away from my family…
That before long you’re dreams that once began with what set your soul on fire has now turned in that fire is burning at your very soul and depleting you on every single level that much you feel guilty, soul less & depressed…
And in some cases, you just want to quit because can’t comprehend how your dream didn’t formulate into the magic you originally began with & deeply connected too…
It’s so vital to understand that your dreams are designed for you…
No one else as the primary driving soulful essence but YOU… When you shift the focus from you, to making it about others the whole energetic frequency changes and therefore the momentum of energy driving this dream takes on a whole new vibration that is not a match to you…
A lot of people feel that if their dream involves others that will influence them more deeply to stay focussed… And that is where things start to lose the true essence of the dream…
When you give your dreams vibrational essence over to someone else, you’re unconsciously giving your power to them too…
Your saying to the universe & your soul that you don’t matter… Someone else is more of a priority then you… You’re energetically connecting yourself to the vibration of I’m not worthy of such a dream… I’m not good enough…
And this becomes the vibration that fuels the dream… So, it’s no wonder the wheels fall off and you end up feeling so emotionally disconnected from your dream… Simplified, you gave the power away to someone else…
Now, as tonight New Moon reconnects you to your truth…
Let’s unite you again with YOUR dream again…
Learn how to reclaim your power & tune into the pure essence of your own dream… Allow yourself be immersed again in your own inspiration of your dream and why it’s so important for you…
Let’s expand your heart & soul to deeply feel into the core magic of your dream again & let that be your guide to fulfil your dream… And discover how to activate your soul calling of this dream & follow that intuitive guidance filtering into your consciousness deeply within your beingness again…
Listen to this video below to learn how:
Remember, you’re never given a dream without the possibility of it coming true…
Let’s get you connected with your own inner power & true soul self like never before… If your ready to dive deep into unlocking your intuitive potential, then book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat Here: 💎 http://bit.ly/2uA8ljA
Much Love
Rachael xx
Intuitiotn Teacher & International Psychic