How To Step Into Your Power & Own It

Learn how to have soulful conversations with self that activate your innate wisdom…

When you go within and have those soulful conversations, you actually access that most truthful answers you’ll ever receive… Why???

Because the answers will originate from your soul… The most trusted guide…

When you have these intimate conversations with self, allows you to grow and expand on every level…

You remove the veil and bypass the BS stories you have by deeply communicating with your soul …

You can have the most real, raw and honest conversation with yourself that can be around any topic…

⭐️What makes you amazing
⭐️How to tap into your natural born talents/skills, anything

There is no topic that you can not access divine guidance around…

Try it!!! Sit and take a few deep breathes to centre yourself and then ask yourself any questions… Then stay open and remove all judgement around the answers you receive…

The more you practise this exercise the deeper the connection with your intuition you have…

As your soul communicates to you through intuition… So feel into those inner nudges, those gut feelings, or messages you hear in your mind and images you may see in your third eye, or even memories that may flood back into your consciousness…

All of these are direct channels to receive guidance from your soul through having soulful conversations that enable you to step into your power through revealing your inner truths…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher