Never Underestimate the Profound Impact You Have On Transforming and Healing Your Clients


Never underestimate the profound impact you have on transforming and healing your clients…

Yesterday, I had the honour of being a guest on a podcast – a truly magical experience being in the studio! This invitation came from the beautiful soul, Hannah, who was a client of mine over a decade ago… She reached out, asking if I’d share my story on her show, all because of the treatment she received that set her on the path to true transformation and healing…

What I offered wasn’t your typical massage… I always infused an emotional and intuitive element, guiding clients to understand the emotions trapped within their bodies and how those pain points held the stories of their lives… With Hannah, each session was a deep dive into what her pain was revealing about her internal world… We explored how her physical discomfort was a message – an opportunity to connect with her emotions and gain the wisdom her body was offering…

Through this process, I empower clients to take charge of their own healing journeys… When pain re-emerges, they possess the knowledge to understand its source and the tools to transform it. It’s not just about relieving discomfort; it’s about giving clients the power to listen, feel, and respond to what their bodies communicate…

For Hannah (and all clients), her physical pain was a doorway into unprocessed emotions and hidden stories… Together, we worked not just to release those emotions through touch but to invite her into a deeper exploration—both during and beyond the sessions…

And now, ten years later, she reached out to tell me that those sessions were instrumental in her healing journey… They ignited a lifelong exploration of her journey into her healing, enabling her to face and explore the things she once thought she had buried or resolved… We didn’t just look at the pain; we explored her lifestyle, beliefs, and everything in between that may have influenced her physical state…

Knowing that my work as a massage therapist had this kind of lasting impact, even after a decade, is one of the greatest rewards of this profession…

Being a massage therapist goes beyond working on muscles and tissues… It’s about seeing the whole person – understanding their biopsychosocial, spiritual, and energetic essence… It’s about holding space for their totality and honouring the journey they bring into each session… We don’t just treat bodies; we connect with souls…

As a massage therapist, you have the power to change lives. Never forget that…

Thank you, Hannah, for this incredible experience… I loved every minute of being part of your podcast. When the episode is ready, I can’t wait to share it with you…

Much Love,
Rachael xx
#massage #healing #transformation # holistic #wellness