Reconnect To Your Soul Essence

Weekly Energy Forecast For May 30th – June 5th
The Overall Theme Is: Reconnect To Your Soul Essence

Happy New Moon tonight gorgeous… As you know it’s that time to tune into your dreams and set potent intentions about where you want to focus your energy over the coming months to turn dreams into reality…

For this manifesting portal, the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards this week supply you insight into the energy coming through… Also what to look out for and how to tap into the infusion of magic that comes with New Moons… Here are this week’s cards messages:

Monday & TuesdayLOVE – You embody so much love it radiates from within you… Thank you…
Wednesday – FridaySHADOW SELF – Time to love & accept all parts of self… Your internal dialogue is ready for an overhaul… Acceptance will become your focus…
Saturday – SundaySOLITUDE – Draw all your energy inwards for there is where all the answers await…

For additional insight here are the #3 Key Aspects of the weekly guidance gorgeous:

#1 – Mercury Retrograde has packed a punch in removing so many layers of untruths… The veil between truth & lies has revealed where your limitations, generational family negative beliefs originate from & where you have been holding yourself back that you’re completely surrendering from these old versions of self…

Your continual commitment to your soulwork has been recognized & now it’s time to go within & reconnect with your soul essence…

#2Honour your resilience gorgeous… You have faced some of your deepest fears & you’ve come out the other side a queen… So straighten your crown, dust yourself off & be proud of what you have already overcome in your life…

#3 – There are still a few lingering unprocessed traumas that your soul is bringing into your awareness to confront… Access that warrior queen within as you face your wounds and feel your belief in self elevate…

You are stronger than you know… Remember that!!!


Have a magical New Moon…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher