Weekly Energy Forecast For June 6th – 12thth
The Overall Theme Is: Reflect With An Open Heart
As Mercury is returning to normal there is still a lingering element of growth that comes through in the post shadow phase which is: reflecting on what lessons you’ve learned through the retrograde period…
And the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards deliver insight on how you can best navigate this contemplative energy…
Monday & Tuesday – REFLECTION – The reflection of self represents the internal beliefs you hold about how you look… You judge yourself based on what you see…
Wednesday – Friday – FEMININITY – Tap into your femininity… That goddess energy that is gentle, loving & nurturing… There is a real strength in softness that requires validating…
Saturday – Sunday – LOVE – You embody so much love it radiates from within you… Thank you…
The #3 Key Aspect for this week are:
#1 – Honour your own healing journey… As you reflect over your lessons, consider how much you have grown from the soul messages retrograde presented to you…
You are now no longer the same version of self because of the powerful insight you’ve faced, healed & transmuted…
#2 – Declare I AM ENOUGH!!! So much emotional baggage from past events & experiences can deplete your confidence within yourself and this statement of I AM ENOUGH reminds you are whole and complete…
I AM are the two most powerful words and what follows after these words becomes surrounded by a powerful magnetism… So the word ‘enough’ means:
Enough is an adjective that describes something that is adequate for an intended purpose…
So in the context of saying ‘I AM ENOUGH’ you’re declaring that you are adequate as you are… Nothing more or less is required other than for you to BE YOU!!!
#3 – Honour the light & shade that completes you… You can not have light without shade… And the shade aspect of self provides depth to your light…
Mercury Retrograde naturally works deeply with your ‘Shadow Self’, yet the word shadow can imply that there is something wrong, damaged or negative within you that wants to be birthed…
And that simply is not the case… So shifting the word from shadow to shade can allow you to be more receptive to the invitation to go within and heal parts that still have pain associated with you so that all parts of self are working as one…
This week the energy invites you to reflect, connect with your feminine archetype & recognize ALL that you are gorgeous…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher