Tidy Up Loose Ends Before The New Moon

As we move towards a New Moon you are being guided to clean up any unfinished project, tie up loose ends and complete anything that needs doing so that you can be an open vessel from which to invite the new into your world…

The New Moon is about obtaining clarity on the direction you want to go and amplify your manifestation powers by taking inspired action

It makes it very challenging to start something new when there is unresolved energy sitting in the old…

Like the tides, the Moon ebbs and flows, a rhythm that women understand intimately. New Moons are a blank page on which to speak your dreams out loud, and full moons are for taking action and celebrating the fruit of your efforts.

In the chaotic world, looking to something larger that is also part of yourself can fill you with a deeper appreciation and make you feel a connectedness with Mother Earth & self. For whatever path you’re on, opening to working with planetary energies links you to the power of the divine goddess within

What To Do To Get Ready For The New Moon

#1 Reflection
It’s a good idea to spend some time reflecting on the days leading up to the new Moon… Knowing exactly what you want to draw into your life is not always easy… Part of preparing for the new Moon is making sure you are clear about your intentions. .. Sometimes it’s a quality you’d like to cultivate, like forgiveness, courage or even self-belief — other times it’s a more specific request for a promotion at work or a new place to live…

#2 Beingness & Doingness
In most cases, people write their intentions all about what they want to do & fail to remember that you yourself must be aligned with your desires as well…
In your reflective contemplation leading up to the New Moon think also about what skills or inner work would you need to do so that you are embodying what you want to call into your life

#3 Explore All your Options
Bring a light-hearted curiousness to what you want to manifest with this coming moon…

Consider how to establish that harmonious balance between both your inner & outer worlds

New moons offer the opportunity of planting the seeds of what you desire, that you then nurture throughout the coming month until fruition on a full moon… So, don’t be in a hurry to just simply write a list from your logical mind… Incorporate your soul-calling passions and truly feel into what you write…

But before jumping into inviting the new into your world, let’s create a clean slate to work from… Write a list of anything the needs completing and just start working away towards it before Tuesday…

For there is this beautiful soft soulful energy emerging calling into your soul reminding you of your gifts to share with the world…

So, there is this stirring feeling coming through encouraging you to harness your ability to believe in yourself… Give yourself permission to fully immerse in the energy as you clear up any loose ends that could prevent you from manifesting the life you deserve…

Much Love
Rachael xx