This weeks overall theme is: the only thing holding you back is you…
As you begin this week, you are been guided to bring through some much needed fun into all things you do… Even though you have responsibilities and structure in your everyday life, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves…
Remember that expression of: its not about getting just from point A to point B; it is about the journey… Well nothing more truer this week… Time to enjoy your journey and enjoy the life you have now and the one you are wanting to create…
If you enjoy yourselves more in all that you do, you become more open to experience even more joy in your life…
By mid week your inner child is reminding you of the dreams that are sitting within your soul that are wanting to come out… Explore all options available to you, even if you aren’t in a position to pursue them right now, look to how you can begin that journey soon…
Because the weekend energy is showing that YOU are the only thing holding YOU back from achieving anything… Your thoughts are projecting what you do not desire and manifesting those intentions, rather than giving space to those limitations, challenge those old limiting beliefs and embed in new beliefs that resonate with you now…
The ‘power of the mind’ really is the focus for this week… Observe, change and believe new thoughts and when done on a consistent basis – you build new belief systems…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards This Week Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Playfulness – Make time for fun & adventure… Playfulness rejuvenates your zest for life…
Wednesday – Friday – Inner Child – Your inner child is wanting to connect and share a message with you…
Saturday & Sunday – Reflection – The reflection of self represents the internal beliefs you hold about how you look… You judge yourself based on what you see…
Much Love
Rachael xx
PS… If you think this weeks message may help someone you know, please feel free to share it round…