Tune In For Divine Wisdom

Weekly Energy Forecast For April 13th – 19th
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Tune In For Divine Wisdom

This weeks energy forecast comes to you through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards

Monday & Tuesday – Femininity – Tap into your femininity… That goddess energy that is gentle, loving & nurturing… There is a real strength in softness that requires validating…
Wednesday – Friday – Contemplation – Focus on your desires & align with your soul’s contract…
Saturday & Sunday – Clairvoyance – Your intuition comes through visual signs… Connect with your third eye to harness this clair sense…

This week really does reveal how your cosmic team is coming through so strong…

Femininity is that sacred space where flow, alignment and intuition met so that divine guidance information can unlock within you so that you can gain access to your goals, dreams, and aspiration… That you can work closely upon the new moon to manifest them into reality…

You’ll start recognizing those little droplets of intuitive information coming into your conscious mind with that spark of excitement that occurs when this does…

Femininity wants you to be open and receptive to your passion and purpose that will transform and help humanity…

The start of the week asks that you explore your intuitive guidance as beautiful messages from your soul…

Attune to the feelings or the visions or even audible messages that ignite your soul’s work…

By mid-week supports the process of contemplation to deeply consider WHY is your passion fuelling to be open to consider why your soul wants you to take your passion and turn it into a tangible plan that you can work towards…

Time is on your side right now…

Remember, the moment you write something down is the moment a dream turns into a plan… Reconnect to your soul and have potent soul chats revealing what it would take to turn your dreams into reality…

Allow the optimism to flow through you… And all this preparation works are designed to become so crystal clear clarity so that you can have a masterplan to manifest upon the New Moon next week…

Come the weekend is when the universe starts showing you all the signs you’re on the right path…

Stop to observe them and take them in as confirmation as well…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher