You’ve heard me mention many of times that our emotions acts as a gateway within… This week reveals that mastering your emotions will provide stability & freedom from being triggered all the time from the current energy…
Lets dive into see what gorgeous soul messages are being revealed through the oracle cards this week…
The start of the week shares that there is still a slight lingering of the Full Moon energy circulating meaning that old past pains will still be surfacing however, you get to decide to react or see the insightful guidance being shared with your gift now…
You signed up for every single thing showing up in your world to help you grow and expand into the amazingly gorgeous soul that you are… Yet along the journey you have suppressed and buried emotions attached to past situation or with people that your soul is urging that you revisit to receive closure and move forward confidently…

This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Steps – Every step in your life has led you towards this moment… Break through illusion that are preventing your growth…
Wednesday – Friday – Spiritual Being – I give myself permission to honour my spiritual essence & celebrate my spiritual journey…
Saturday & Sunday – Energy – Observe how you expend your energy…
Which deeply connects with the flow of mid weeks energy which is understanding that your soul has a contract that you signed before incarnating into this lifetime… You are exactly where you need to be for your growth plan…
Embrace that you’ve never been here on this earth before ( not that you’re aware of) and you’re doing the best you can… Stop judging yourself so harshly… In fact give yourself a pat on the back for all that you’ve overcome and the challenges you’ve faced before…
You are stronger than you think…
Through a simple perception shift will enable you to draw your energy back in from fight the old and channel it towards those things that really matter for you… What makes your heart sing, what dreams do you want to fulfil…
This is where your soul is urging you to clear the old to make way for all the gorgeous new energy that is just around the corner where the magic and miracles await you…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher |
International Psychic