This Weeks Overall Theme Is: A Time Of Shedding The Old
There is a beautiful shift of energy right now that has brought up so many layers of old baggage that are requiring relinquishing… You have held onto some emotions that you have surpassed and letting go sounds really easy yet somehow the human aspect of self like to hold on for dear life…
This may express itself through:
The greatest gift you can give yourself at this time is to NOT suppress what is coming up… When you suppress your emotions, this causes a feeling of depression… And move into dark places within…
As you can see by Wednesday that signs & synchronicities will move into your awareness as guidance from both your soul self & the universal energies showering you with support & direction… Be open & mindful of what presents itself in your consciousness… There is a moment to be reminder that you are not alone in your journey…
One thing I really want to share in this week’s forecast is… Your soul, universe, guides, passed loved, angels, buddha, whatever the name is that you give to external help – they are always there to help, so communicate with them… Let them know how they can help you right now…
Transformation doesn’t need to be destructive, it can be like peeling aware the layers of confinement to reveal your inner beauty to the world & yourself…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Transformation – Transformation is occurring on a cellular level… metamorphosis transpires after a time of internal reflection…
Wednesday – Friday – Clairvoyance – Your intuition comes through visual signs… Connect with your third eye to harness this ‘clair’ sense…
Saturday & Sunday – Pathways – Follow the intuition guidance that leads you to the pathway of happiness…
Some people will move through this period of immersion having done the internal work & others will resist… Each person is entitled to their own experience but can happen is that those that resist will want to drag you into their world of drama… This can be very consuming on your energy… So please be mindful…
The best way to address this situation should it arise is to ‘rise above’…
Rise above any situations & connect with the universal energies to obtain clarity…Drama is a way of pulling you into situations that are best off been left alone from people outside the situation… Here is why:
1… They consume so much of your energy with little or no change to the situation at all…
2… Sometimes people are energy vampires and just suck the life out of you through their problems…
3… Help where you can but not at the expense of your own sanity or energy… If someone is genuine to wanting a solution to their problem – cool they will listen & take the guidance you offer with gratitude… But if all that person wants to do is vent, let it go… They will find someone else to share their dramas with &
4… If the dramas are your own internal conflict… Remember, you give great advice so consider what would you say to someone else going through what is your problem & take your own great advice now…
Remember, always follow the guidance of your intuitive soul self for it knows they way for you…
Much Love
Rachael xx