This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Surrender, Let Go & Allow Your Transformation To Unfold As Your Overcome Your Fears…
This week is a big energetic week whereby we have just come through an equinox which is all about bring balance into your world… Then coupled with the Full Moon in Aries on the 25th… This Full Moon is about overcoming fears and aligning with your goals from the previous New moon…
Together your soul is guiding you to discover what is not in harmony for you and allow the full moon to clear away the debris of the outdated aspect of self…
I think the gorgeous component of the universal energies along with our soul knowledge is, that everything really is working towards allowing you to step into your own personal power with ease because of the continual guidance & support that is on offer…
Yet the human aspect of self not always follows the guidance and that is where conflict can occur…
If you are finding that transitioning into the person you want to become is not as simple as you would like, filter your mind with this mantra:
‘I am a great receiver’ or ‘I allow all that I have outgrown to be released easily’…
Check in with yourself as to what mantra you may require to help through this transformative time period…
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Empowerment – Allow yourself to feel vulnerable which will encompass empowerment…
Wednesday – Friday – Strength – I am at peace with who I am…
Saturday & Sunday – Chaos – Disconnection to self…
Even though we finish this week with the Chaos card, you really can navigate through time with a deeper understanding of how best to manoeuvre this energy with a clearer perspective of what is residing underneath the Chaos…Stay present & write everything down…
Have a most beautiful Full Moon… Don’t forget to leave any spiritual/soul tools you may have like: oracle cards, crystals, wands etc out under the full moon and also sage yourself & your environment to re-establish balance…
Much Love
Rachael xx