What Are Your Emotions Leading You Towards

Emotions are an amazing guage to what is going on internally with you…

Let your emotions guide you towards discovering intuitive insight into the messages your soul is revealing…

Explore your emotions by going within to seek these answers too:

What are your emotions leading you towards…
What intuitive information is being revealed to you…

Emotions are sharing within you an insider view into your core beingness…

Dive deeper into what emotions are surfacing so that you can see if something still needs to resolved & healed, or are you denying an emotion within you that wants to be validated and honoured, or is this information encouraging you to let these old emotions go to create more space for the new…

Emotions provide insight, wisdom, healing & transformation if you’re willing to go below the surface and discover what soulful message is being relayed from your emotions…

This exercise is not for judgement of your emotions or how your responding to them – no!!!

They are about being that curious explorer to seek wisdom from and move through these emotions with a deeper understanding of what is occurring within you…

Remember, you are here to experience every emotions as a channel to learn more about your inner world… Which is YOU!!!

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher