Colour Therapy is a holistic treatment which aims to bring balance to the energy of our body…
Through the use of colour therapy it assists the body with its own natural ability to heal itself… As you know humans are considered as ‘light beings’…
The spiritual term light beings is about being an awakened soul… However light beings also refer to the term that we absorb light into our bodies and that light activates various parts of the brain to invoke a healing response…
Colour carriers a vibrational energy form that is associated with our #7 energy centres otherwise known as chakras…
So, when the light of a colour enters into your body it naturally knows which energy centre/chakra it connects with to either stimulate a healing response of elevating the chakra energy or balancing it…
Chakras can become over stimulated or depleted depending on what is occurring within your world… This alone can create disharmony or imbalance on a whole mind, body, soul & spiritual component… So we can use colour as a form of nourishment for our energy centres without evening knowing it…
The importance of chakras is that each chakra closely works with our emotional and mental bodies along with our spiritual ascensions too…
Each chakra holds and stores certain facets of both our human aspect of life along with our spiritual connection as well…
So the bottom 3 chakras relates to the earthly plain and the chakras from the heart up are about your connection to source/universal energies…
That is why are certain time you’re more attracted to a colour because of its healing properties to reinstate equilibrium…
Colour therapy can be introduced in a multitude of ways… Here are some suggestions:
✔️Coloured bath bombs to relax in
✔️Shoes & accessories
✔️Makeup & hair colour
Anything that has a colour can stimulate a healing response within…
What I like to do is in the morning whilst showering I ask myself “what colour is required today?” … By checking in with your soul it guides you to the exact colour needed for that day…
And I’ll explore how I want to implement that colour into my day…
This is such a beautiful soulful therapy that not only nourished the you on an overall level, it does it in a way that allows you to be in a completely receptive manner…
You don’t have to do anything part from tune into your soul and follow the guidance of what colour you feel more attuned to that day…
Through the application of colour therapy you can maintain an more harmonise balance on a collective level and give yourself permission to be in a state of receiving…
We spend so much time giving to others that we usually put ourselves on the back burner… This is such a beautiful way to give back to self & have fun with it too…
Radiate your personality, style, and uniqueness with colour in any way that feels right for you…
There is no right or wrong here only a soulful expression of self…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition teacher