What Is Your Soul Revealing To You

Your soul is always communicating to you to act as a guide, mentor or wise counsel along your spiritual journey…

Everything your soul shares is to help you deepen your connection with self and live in alignment with your purpose or master plan here on earth…

With each new learning of self requires levels of letting go so you can become renewed & lighter along your journey…

Right now your soul is encouraging a soul renewal…

Renewal through the revisiting the old… Any time your soul is asking you to revisit your past is ALWAYS about closure & obtaining a new perspective within yourself…

There are so many times that revisiting past pains invokes an activation of hurt, sadness or sorrow to some degree… Yet you bury that beneath layers of anger…

However, each time to revisit a situation, event, person or trauma from your past you are already stronger than the last time to addressed this issue…

So remember that…

Your emotions become a guide to dig deeper into those past pains… Where is the emotion originated from and why…

What needs to be healed or transformed from this time & how can you forgive yourself for the role you played too…

You are in the most potent time of change and transformation…

You’re being shaken to be awakened to a whole new way of being with self…

Dont let this opportunity pass you by without embracing that if your soul is revealing this information to you, it’s because you are ready to address this & clear any distortion from your current pathway…

You have everything within you to clear any limitations & ignite a new level of understanding & access aspect of self that stay dormant until needed like courage, bravery & belief in yourself…

You not only get to dissolve any old past pain & access these innate skills within you too…

Remember your soul knows more than the human mind…

Listen to the video below to learn more about how to follow your soul guidance…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher