Have you ever had those moments where your intuition is guiding you to stand up for yourself, yet you resist because you worry what others will think if you do or fear is holding you in its grip???
Let me share with you that when this intuitive guidance is coming through as it is because of the lesson your soul/intuition is sharing with you is a gift, to increase your value of self because you have evolved and therefore your self value needs to match this new frequency being emitted!!!
We all talk about the concept of Self Value & Self Worth, yet sometimes this concept eludes us on knowing how or if you do know how, your terrified to implement it…
When you stand up for yourself through either saying ‘NO’ to someone else’s demands being placed on you or needing to say ‘YES’ to yourself and move through fear that is holding you back you automatically align yourself with this new energy surging through you… Even if you are unaware of it, go with it…
A person needing to learn to say ‘NO’ is to strength their self belief because they have always understood someone else’s unpleasant behaviour at the expense of their own & fear that others will not like them…
The other group of people needing so say ‘YES’ are that person using excuses & blaming others for why they can’t do or have something… The have become so accustomed to the excuses they haven’t recognised that they are limiting their world all by themselves…
Remember you can’t grow in your comfort zone & its ok to be scared when applying new changes…
Your soul/intuition knows your journey and what is best for you… Trust the guidance as that more evolved aspect of self knows what it is doing…
Much Love
Rachael xx