We all have moments where you can feel defeated and energetically depleted…
That moment you’ve been working your butt off but the results or outcome you’ve been seeking are just not showing up… We all hear, not to focus on the outcome, but really who does something they are so incredibly passionate about for no result – no one, right!!!
When you purge your heart and soul into projects or tasks you have an outcome in mind from the beginning… A soulful feeling within you is stirring, driving you towards completion and some of that drive is the outcome… Not all, yet some…
Ego wants you to retract into places of hiding just how hurt and deeply disappointed you are and ignites the attitude of F&*k everything and everyone… What’s the point attitude…
The ego wants to hold you in doubts and fuel your fears, consuming your thoughts with what a failure you are and keeping you vibing so low that giving up becomes something real you contemplate… There are moments when you can no longer take any more inner pain that you start to emotionally shut down, denying your soulful truth because you just don’t know where to find the solution because you’re so depleted & defeated…
When you deny these emotions or suppress your truth, they start to show up physically as well
Do any of these symptoms resonate with you:
Jaw aches from unconsciously clenching your jaw together
Headaches and neck pain also associated
Sore teeth again from
Sore hands or forearms from holding your hands in a fist
Shortness of breath
Tightness in the chest
Feeling stiff, achey & sore on an overall body feeling
Suppressed emotions reveal themselves through:
Rigid thoughts – yes or no answers or it’s me against the world
Aggression/anger towards self or others
Depletion of happiness or joy
Resentment of other people’s accomplishments
Shut down emotionally – tuning out to anything, almost like being in robot mode to cope with the disappointment
Each of the above symptoms
So what do you do???
Soul & Strategy Integration
(Choose only one particular area of your life at a time when doing this exercise so you can obtain a clarity…)
#1 Create A List Of All The Things You’ve Done Well…
Cashflow is coming in
You’re up to date with bills
You’re doing more hours etc
This is a pivotal point here… This section is so you can observe that not everything in your world is turning to shit… That you have actually been working diligently towards to dreams/goals and to celebrate the effort you’ve put into achieving them…
Number #1 celebrate your wins…
#2 Things That Have Not Worked Out
No additional or any savings
Working longer hours but not getting ahead
Feeling like your never getting financial ahead
Connected with ego and thought fuck it, may as well buy what I want – what’s the point…
Wasting money on bought dinners/nights out or other items to receive instant gratification
Lack of respect for money etc
This area is to speak & own your truth… Give yourself permission to write everything you feel is getting you down… Get super clear on your frustrations… Don’t hold back… No judgement, just honesty…
As you complete this section tune into the awareness of the reduction of stress leaving your mind, body, soul & spirit…
>>> BEWARE: If any anytime you feel triggered by ego, walk away… Do not give
#3 Reclaim Your Power
As the mind noise dissipates, this unlocks the ability to tune into your soulful guidance coming through in forms of intuition,
You may have already been uploading beautiful new insightful information sharing a creative and simple solution to the above… So, take a look at the list above… One by one
Connect with your soul…
Ask for guidance, ask for what the next step is, ask how to bring things back into balance for your highest good is… Remember, your soul is here to support & nurture you, so never be afraid to open
Cut out all brought dinners and make an easy dinner at home
Don’t go to the shops when feeling defeated or depleted… Save your money…
Expression of gratitude… The act of gratitude raises your vibration & reconnects you with your soul truth… etc
The essence for wealth/money/abundance is usually aspects of feeling financial freedom, opens up new doorways of choices, reduction in stress, feeling of personal empowerment that you have your financial affairs in order…
This exercise is to understand that when you step out of ego and unite with your soul, human aspect and universal energies that you can work as a team to
You don’t have to do this journey alone…
Your soul is intuitively guiding you every step of the way through gut feelings, insightful information dropping into your consciousness & to that feeling that giving up is not an option… Believe in yourself and that you just required some constructive strategy to gain momentum again…
Your human aspect of self requires focus so you can see the forest for the trees… To reconnect back to
The universe jumps in and reminds that it too is working with you to achieve this as well… It sends signs & synchronicities everywhere, your role is to tune into this cosmic guidance and together all 3 identities can strategize from a place of soul…
You are apart of a divine cosmic consciousness that is awakening the more evolved aspect of self and universal laws that are there for everyone just waiting to work as a team with you… You can embrace this awareness and harness this potential to your advantage or stay stuck in ego slowly tearing yourself apart…
Empowering choices is what will redirect your energy, ignite your passion and deeply reconnect you with the essence of your sacred soul…
You are more powerful than you know…
Allow the realm of magic to enter into your reality… Watch as solutions unfold as you honour you soul self & apply strategy to enhance your experience here on earth…
It’s time to reclaim your power & drop the ego for good by tapping into soul & strategy… Book into chat with me at 👉 FREE Sacred Soul Chat
Much Love
Rachael xx
International Psychic & Intuition Teacher