Are You Re-Experiencing Negative Feelings From The Past…

To listen to the full version, see the video below …

You’ve all heard me say at one time or another that:
 “No one gets through life unscathed…” 

Which means every single person who walks this life will have experienced a traumatic experience|situation that has deeply affected me, that is still unresolved today…

So every time you even slightly think about that time in your life, you constantly re-experiencing all the pain associated with that situation… And that is such a soul-destroying pattern that you want to break, right!!!

#2 Key Areas To Work On Are:

Stop Keeping It A Secret – fears, doubts, pain, and anxiety can only continue to feed you with there kept in the darkness hidden away… So find someone you deeply trust that can support and nurture as you dive into sharing your experience…

Forgiveness – through any painful experience is some role you play… And that for everyone is different… So learn to forgive yourself… It may be a struggle at the beginning or not, yet its the very thing your mind, body, soul & spirit want to be free from the constant torment of past pains…

Forgiveness is giving yourself permission to receive the closure you need to confidently move forwards…

Here is the mantra I mentioned on the live that helped me…

Forgiveness Mantra: 

I’m Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You
I Love You

And then with time, patience and perseverance you will eventually be able to review that experience, however from a more empowered space of acknowledging that time in your life yet having not one negative emotional charge to it and that is when you’ve broken through the old cycle and establishing more healthier ways of being with yourself…

If you’re ready to step into your power or simply want to accelerate your deep connection with your intuitive soul self, I have a course to help you……/

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher