Are You Spiritually Fine-Tuning Right Now???

Does this sound like you:

♥ Feeling a pressure headache in between your brows which feels like it goes through from your brow to the back of your head…
♥ Ringing in your ears…
♥ Blurry tired heavy eyes…
♥ Brain fog where you feel you are unable to access any information in your mind…
♥ Exhaustion and need lots of little cat naps throughout the day (if you can)
♥ Sensitive skin
♥ Food craving of either sugar or salty foods & even caffeine …
♥ Body aches and pains without any apparent reason…
♥ Over sensitivity towards everything and everyone…

All of the above are a part of your spiritual/soulful ascension process…

Ascension process means to spiritual awakening, which is a natural evolutionary process which involves the process of shedding the old self & experiencing an inner rebirth…

This process is also fine tuning your intuitive skills, which some of you may know or heard of as having a downloads…

I like to think that download feels heavy, dense and hard, so I like to call the process you may be experiencing as being fine-tuned into the next level you… Just like your computer or phone needs updates so that you have the newest version at hand….

That is exactly what is occurring right now…

Now let’s take a step back… You have just progressed through a beautiful full moon that gives you an opportunity to shed the old and you’ve down the work needed to evolve…

So now every part of your beingness needs to recalibrate to the new vibration emanating from within… Hence needing a tune up…

This is an incredibly beautiful moment to celebrate all the inner work you have being doing… You are being immersed into the spiritual fine-tuning so that your inner & outer world are cohesively vibing the same frequency… So, take a deep breath and allow this new perception about your ascension process to integrate…

Let’s look at what can you do be in flow throughout your spiritual tune up:

#1 Rehydrate
Your body is made up of primarily made up of over 80% water… As you are doing so much inner work it is easy to underestimate just how much energy is being consumed to do this… You also need water to flush out any toxins that your soul is wanting released so that new fresh space is available for all the upgrades to enter in…

Dehydration also presents itself through cravings… Sometimes the mind thinks it is hungry when in actual fact you’re dehydrated… So, your cravings are a sign you need to increase your water intake…

Now if you are experiencing salty food cravings, you can add ¼ teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt to your water… One big misconception is that salt is bad… Wrong…

Our body needs salt, but good quality salt… Salt is a conductor that helps information pass from one nerve cell to another… So that brain fog, muscle aches lack of energy can all be rectified through the simple act of adding salt in your water…

As your body is 37.5 degrees, its vital that right now you drink water that is at room temperature so that your already dehydrated can be replenished quickly and eliminate a big portion of the symptoms above…

#2 Rest
As you transition from old version of you & shed away what you have outgrown, consumes energy – right…

Now because it’s not something you can see that needs healing, like if you had a broken leg you’d automatically rest without hesitation right??? Because this is inner work your body still requires that same mindset about healing & rest

Grab yourself a beautiful soft blanket and take 30 mins to completely switch off and give yourself permission to heal…

One mantra comes to mind of “what we resist – persist” … If you do not rest as needed it is so easy to burn yourself out and trigger an emotional response of being reactive and snapping at everyone & everything… Not always the most conducive way to address the situation…

This is the moment to let your soul rest…

#3 Be Patient
There is no specific timeframe that is a one size fits all when it comes to your own transformational process…

So the best thing you can do is know that it will take as long as it takes…

#4 Wear Loose Fitting Clothing
If you finding a heightened skin sensitivity, be mindful of wearing soft loose fitting clothes that nurtures your inner goddess… Your skin is the biggest organ protection your inner world from harm, so wear fabric that is gentle and soothes your inner world

#5 Wheat bags or Ice Packs
As the pressure within your mind’s eye or third eye area, usually pharmaceutical drugs will not release the pressure – wheat bags or icepacks depending on what feels right for you…

This will soften the muscles in that specific region and also be very soothing to your mindset too… Which also enables you to rest which as well is also much needed at this point…

You can also place these items over your tired blurry eyes as well… So, a double whammy don’t you think…

Lastly, your soul is always guiding you, so tap into this magical & incredibly resource by simply asking yourself

“What do I need to do to help myself through this transition” … Then just give yourself what comes through…

It may be anything from:
Taking a bath
Receive a massage
Eat nutritional foods
Vitamin or naturopathic support
Sleep Etc

Give yourself what you need…When you work cohesively together with your soul, you establish a stronger connection between self & source…

When you choose not to do the self- care needed to progress through this process and activate that masculine mindset of push, shove and dismiss what is occurring for you… You run the risk of getting the “spiritual flu”

This is when your body becomes so burnt out that your soul has no choice but to lay you on your ass to receive the healing and transformation that it is providing…

Which is not what you want – believe me… As humans we have “free will” to choose what options we want… You can either embrace what is a truly beautiful gift of evolutionary procession of upgrading or fight this gift and be laid out for days…

Your choice!!!

So be kind, gentle, nurturing & patience as you continue your gorgeous evolutionary process that your soul is sharing with you…

Much Love
Rachael xx

PS… If you would like to learn more how to understand more about your ascension process & develop your intuitive skill’s, then jump on the link below and book a chat with me: