Emotions are running high and sometimes wild with the current energy…
Let’s take a look at the word itself as it reveals what is occurring..;
E – motion = energy in motion…
Anything that has been suppressed or dormant within is now being released to the surface so you can express your inner world…
With Mercury in retrograde that expression can be at times very harsh not only with others or with self…
The energy attached to those suppressed emotions want validation… So before you express them openly allow yourself the gift of stillness…
Be still with these emotions…
They can be explosive and firery, but guess what puts fire out, is water…
These intense emotions may active tears to put the fire within out… So if you feeling teary, let them flow… Let the energy of these emotions flow in motion…
Know as the tears roll down you gorgeous cheeks that you are giving yourself permission to express what has been dormant for many of years…
Sometimes just the realisation of owning your emotions is what opens the gateway to let the floodgates open to your tears…
Be gentle and kind with yourself as you evolve to the next version YOU!!!
Much Love
Rachael xx
International Psychic & Intuition Teacher