Did you feel the impact of this month’s full moon…
During the lead up to this time frame, you know by now full moons are all about releasing, letting go and surrendering to things that no longer serves you… Yet sometimes the soul reveals those message from the opposite side of the coin…
What do I mean… These past few weeks have been presenting ‘Boundary Violations’… Have you experienced any of these situations recently:
* Anyone pushes your buttons by criticising or just completely speaking shit about you that much you stand up for yourself – not attack but speak up for yourself?
* Feel like areas of your life are out of sync/balance?
* Justify other peoples inappropriate behaviour and negate your own feelings?
* You feel angry/defensive or over-sensitive/teary?
* Nausea or upset stomach region?
These are your gifts… Gift of awareness to eliminate old behaviours that no longer align with who you are now and becoming…
Now, this is where it gets exciting – determining a reaction or response mode…
Reaction Mode is all about:
* Defending, anger or me against the world mindset… This may feel good short term but quickly you end up back at the same learning spot later down the track or the
Response Mode is about:
* Defining if the situation of someone projecting their issues upon you and if so you can gently guide them to take ownership or
* If you feel there is a message in the situation for yourself, then it’s time to explore where in your life are you violating your own boundaries…
Now, this awareness is not about beating yourself up… Exploring is just that… Taking a look into your wheel of life and see where you are not in alignment with yourself anymore… Now, this is so cool as some of your boundaries were established a long time ago and this reveals that you have grown and so too do our boundaries need updating too…
I have attached a ‘Wheel Of Life’ template for you to go in and download…Here is where begin the fun of exploring the subconscious information just waiting to assist you right now…
Wheel Of Life Exercise:
1. Sit for 2 minutes and draw your mind to your breath.
2. Upon opening your eyes go immediately to each section and put a dot where you are drawn too. – No judgement
3. When you have finished each area, simply sit back and access it.
4. If you feel there is an area of your life that is not where you would like that to bed and want to tighten your boundaries in that area here is what to do:
5. Take another piece of paper and write headers for the areas you want to create changes in.
6. Then again go through steps 1 & then think of that are you want to improve and ask the question of
“What changes could I apply in this area (state the area) to improve this sector of my life right now?”
7. Then only give yourself one 1 minute per each section and write whatever comes into your mind immediately…
From here you can look at the adjustments your soul is communicating to you and look to how to apply the new improvements into your world easily and with fun too…
Change doesn’t need to be hard – it can be creative & as much fun as you desire…
Healthy new boundaries established with ease and grace… Enjoy…
Much Love
Rachael xx