Feel The Feels

Emotions are gatekeepers to new levels of awareness, guided from your soul…

There are certain times when your emotions are TRIGGERED more than others… Yet as humans you’ve have been taught to HIDE, SUPPRESS, & BURY your emotions until one day the lid flies open and they start to resurface…

Emotions are there to be experienced…

The good, the great, the FREAKIN amazing ones along with the sad, the down, the hurt & disappointed… Emotions are a response to your perception at that very given time, that can be altered quickly too…

Say you’ve just been told you’ve lost your job, immediately you’ll process that information as a loss and experience emotions based on that thought process…

You’ve been taught that losing a job means you’re not good enough, that there is something wrong with you, that you’re unstable and also becomes focussed on the financial loss too… Experiencing all emotions based on loss

Yet if in a split second you also discovered that you just won lotto, your emotional response would rapidly change to elation, joy, freedom, choice and luck… Yet you’ve never suppress joyful emotions, right… In fact, we radiate joy outwardly without even thinking about it… You’ve been taught to celebrate anything that you perceive to be happy or joyful…

What if you could just ALLOW yourself to FEEL THE FEELS is what I call it… Give yourself permission to experience the whole spectrum of emotions without judging yourself…

How completely different would your experience in this lifetime be…

Deep emotions can feel very intense & you’re not accustomed to them so we believe that if we FEEL THESE DEEP FEELS there must be something wrong… Right… How many times have you felt down or sad and tried to hide these emotions and pretend that everything is alright… I know I have many of times….

When you FEEL that something is wrong, some people will vent their emotions until they have received validation that it’s ok to feel that way, they feel…

What if you could discover that it is perfectly OK to feel any emotions…

We have become a consciousness that judges ourselves so harshly based on the emotions we are experiencing at this time…

The one governing aspect in this whole equation is YOUR JUDGEMENT… Your judgement of what you have been led to believe is right or wrong about emotions…

What if you took the one contributing factor out, being the JUDGEMENT and just felt ALL the feels & was simply ok with that… Don’t you think that your whole entire perception would change…

What if you NEVER had to hide, suppress or bury any emotions EVER… And introduced the perception of BEING OK with every emotion…

This would open new doorways within our thinking processes… You’d never need to SEEK validation externally from anyone again… The mindset around being right or wrong would be eliminated because you’d discover that all emotions are RIGHT… Right for where you’re at, at the very given moment…

Judgement would dissolve and be replaced with contentment…

You see when you resist your deeper emotions they only persist even more intensely until you validate them… And you can give this to YOURSELF… Validate that it’s OK to feel ANY & ALL emotion…

Every emotion provides a gateway into your inner world…

How your thinking, feeling & energetically vibing… Your emotions connect intuitively with your gorgeous wise soul… Each emotion gives you insight into what is working for you & also what requires upleveling… When you feel the deep intense emotions, your soul is providing guidance towards an opportunity to ascend…

That something is requiring an adjustment or tweak if you will… Simply because you have EVOLVED or that something is needing to be let go of… You soul brings awareness to these FEELS to provide opportunities for growth and expansion…

Yet if your only perception is there’s something wrong, guess what you’ll find something wrong… Believe me… Yet if took a new level of understanding into what is being presented to you as an opportunity to evolve to another level, your perception would be so very different…

You’d become a SEEKER, CURIOUS & EXPLORER of your emotions rather than staying in the shadows believing something is wrong with you…  

That curious explorer within seeks to discover new truth for you…

One that doesn’t require other people’s opinions or validation to be right…

You’d go on an inner quest to reveal what have these deep emotions ignited within me NOW… Uncovering new truths, invoking a new awareness to your deep emotions & tuning into your souls communication channel of intuition…

If your soul has brought a deep emotions into your consciousness, that is because you are ready to breakthrough yet another illusion that has kept you playing small…

These deeper emotions can unlock new layers of :
Boundaries, Love, Confidence, Trust, Truth, Belief, Perception etc

So you can approach the deep feels from a new perspective next time & rapidly change your WHOLE WORLD simply by changing your PERCEPTION, dissolving the JUDGEMENT & becoming a SEEKER of your own truth through learning that it’s OK to feel your emotions…

Try it out for yourself and awaken a new way of being with yourself…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Intuition Teacher & International Psychic

PS>>> Have you ever wanted to unlock new levels of truth, remove your harsh judgement & want to become a seeker of your soul self, then I’d love to help YOU!!!

I’m offering FREE Sacred Soul Chat today & discuss how you can start the journey of reconnecting the soulful YOU!!!