Hey Gorgeous,
This is a topic I am so obsessed with & believe in so much!!!
We are in an energetic vortex that is urging you to clear that which no longer serves…
Which requires a combination of cultivating inner mastery & soul work whilst reviewing every aspect of self on a mind, body, soul & spiritual level belief system…
Which can show up in the most random of ways like considering doing something only to discover 💥 BAM 💥 out of nowhere you’ll hear a limiting belief come into your awareness…
And it’s in that EXACT moment your soul is highlighting you to a belief you have outgrown & offering an opportunity to clear that then…
Yet what happens is you usually dismiss this olden opportunity until they all bundle up and become a huge problem that you don’t know where to start the healing or clearing process…
And continues to feel stuck in a spiral of negative emotions…
And I don’t want that for you!!!
So hence why I wanted to share this invaluable wisdom with you gorgeous…
Your soul is speeding up this process for rapid transformation yet there are two factors that WILL hold you back which I’m about to share in this video…
Check it out below!!!
Much Love
Rachael xx
PS… If you want rapid transformation then I invite you to an Energy Clearing Session which is for you if:
🔮 You want to feel supported as you dive deeper than you have before to unlock your core energy blocks preventing your growth…
💥 Rewrite the story attached to old traumas and pain points…
🔮 That want to access higher awareness to recognize when you’re stuck in a negative spiral and know the tools to shift back into your higher self…
💥 Reach that level of emotional freedom when revisiting the past… Knowing that you can reminisce over memories because you’re no longer triggered by pain associated with that time & because you’ve healed – not only on a logical level but more powerfully healed the block in your energy frequency too…
And so much more!!!!
Book here gorgeous and let’s get this transformational journey started today… https://www.rachaelthompsonphillips.com/energy-clearing-session/
Weekly Energy Forecast For November 22nd – 28th
The Overall Theme Is: Surrender The Old: https://youtu.be/ArBy_k3bqDk