How To Cultivate Self-Belief

Weekly Energy Forecast For June 1st – 7th
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: How To Cultivate Self-Belief

Monday & Tuesday – Frustrations – What you think is frustrating you is only surface deep…
Wednesday – Friday – Steps – Every step in your life has led you towards this moment… Breakthrough illusions that are preventing your growth… Saturday & Sunday – Spiritual Being – I give permission to honour my spiritual essence & celebrate my spiritual journey…

Yet another powerful message coming through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards

This week’s another gorgeous portal for healing & transformation upon the lead up to the Full Moon on June 5th…

The full moon is about illuminating parts of self from the past that is continuing to hold you back… The ‘Frustration’ card is urging you to explore deeper into what is behind your frustration…

Your turbulent emotions are unresolved feelings connected to an experience, stories, cycle, pattern, behaviour or lack of action that is affecting your ability to move forward fiercely…

Your emotions are guidance tools revealing what your truth is for you…

When you honour your emotions they can no longer continue to be triggers or activations of explosive emotional responses…

How you feel right now is still connected to something from within your past which leads you to believe you’re not good enough… And now is your time to change that broken record and embed brand new beliefs that empower you and cultivate a renewed sense of self-belief…

Midweek offers new perspectives to review your past from an outlook of being able to see that all experiences present lessons and blessings from the ‘Steps’ card…

Lessons that can propel you forward and blessings that you’ve learned what you needed to do that have shaped you into the gorgeous divine being that you are… You are here upon this earth because you’re your own unique qualities and essences…

You have a soul contract that you’ve agreed to grow into the magical being that you are…

Yet you’ve become stuck in the world of thought and become trapped by your old outdated thinking…

The ‘Spiritual Being’ card presents the ability to reconnect to your soul that shares the wealth of wisdom your seeking…

Your soul has infinite information that it wants you to tap into which comes from the feeling base of self, not the thinking element of self…

By uniting with you soul essence is where you gain access into your true essence where you know deep within that you are good enough… By cultivating that self-belief within you access the belief that you can do anything, be anything & have anything you desire…

Your journey begins here in the now by surrendering to your past and not becoming a victim of your own stories…

Your soul is guiding you toward what to let go of and sometimes by reviewing the past you take your personal power back and choose how you want to feel about any experience in the past…

You decide your destiny… Remember that!!!

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards can be purchased here:

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