How many times have you considered the desire to want to develop your intuition more deeply??? And thought that if I just sit down and open up that soul channel, that the intuitive guidance will just as if by magic just start flowing into your consciousness…
I remember thinking that too… Id sit there and want to deeply to connect to my intuition, only to discover that when I did this, I’d only here crickets and get up feeling even more frustrated…
It wasn’t till after months of practising oracle card reading did I realise that there is a process to open to your intuitive channel… Which would have been nice to know that many years ago, but the information wasn’t available then…
So, I want to share this knowledge with you now so you can fast track how to develop your intuition with you today…
The number #1 thing I learnt, which is imperative to understand is that your intuition is involuntary… Which mean you don’t know when its going to show up and reveal some amazing soulful guidance to you…
However, you can learn how to activate your intuitive and almost push a button to gain access to this intuitive wisdom… Let me show you how…
By choosing an spiritual tool that you absolutely love working with… For me that is Oracle Cards…
Oracle cards open a gateway to your soul…
They mirror everything back to you through the cards & what is hidden too… They reveal guidance that the human mind isn’t always privy to understanding… Oracle cards are spiritual tools that activate your innate wisdom & tap into your intuition revealing messages from your soul…
Absolutely any question you are seeking can be answered by oracle cards… From life, love, relationships, biz, anything can be answered through oracle cards… As oracle cards are truth seekers wanting to shine the light on any situation to best help you discover what is working for you & what is not…
They are powerful spiritual growth & personal development tools…
By diving deeply into developing your soul communication that relates back to you via intuitive nudges you can build a dynamic relationship between yourself, your soul and allow the vehicle of oracle cards to bridge that gap in the communication process…
From here you’ll be able to make much more informed decision that in alignment with your souls divine purpose or masterplan for you that comes from the most trusted guide being your soul…
Once you learn how incredibly powerful reading oracle cards can be & the positive impact & influence they can have, then you’ll never go back to old ways again…
Oracle card reading can be learnt by anyone, you don’t need to be exceptional or even extraordinary to learn…
Working with oracle cards will empower you & inspire you to access hidden talents/skills/gifts within & develop a new perspective or meaning to your life that will enrich you in ways you never dreamt of…
All you need to do is become a will participant, open to igniting that spark…
If you want to explore how to read oracle cards and strengthen that communication between your soul & self, then simply click the link here to jump on a FREE SACRED SOUL CHAT today & lets get your intuitive journey in motion for you…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Intuition Teacher & International Psychic