This Weeks Overall Theme Is: How To Manifest Magic In Your Life
Monday & Tuesday – Empowerment – Allow yourself to feel vulnerable which will encompass empowerment…
Wednesday – Friday – Feathers – Feathers have presented themselves to show you, your loved ones are present…
Saturday & Sunday – Playfulness – Make time for fun & adventure… Playfulness rejuvenates your zest for life…
This is a beautiful continuum from last weekend energy being ‘Empowerment’ also… This week begins with your soul revealing that all those Aha moments of truth bombs that have been delivered into your awareness have activated that courageous aspect of self to challenge those limiting beliefs & step out your comfort zone which will involve feeling vulnerable…
Vulnerable as you take inspired action, do things you’ve always wanted but been afraid to which can trigger those doubts and fears and that’s all perfectly normal… Whenever you begin something new or take those actionable steps it’s only natural that things can feel a little clunky at the beginning…
And this is how vulnerability can present itself…
Its that moment to be mindful that its ok to feel uncomfortable short term as you develop more inner strength & tap into your innate courage too…
Now midweek you’re passed over loved ones has come to visit… You might become aware of photos moving, ‘Feathers‘ themselves showing up, or even feeling their essence are just a few ways that your loved ones let you know they’re around…
They’re visiting to remind you that you don’t need to do this journey alone…
All you need to do is let them know how they can best support you as your transition through change and transform from the inside out…
Your passed loved ones are apart of your spiritual guides helping you every step of the way… Reach out to the other side and share with your loved ones what do you need or how best can they can assist you to share your brand of magic with the world…
As you embark on manifesting your dreams|goals|vision or aspirations this is your time to shine and share your divine soulful essence with the world…
You’ve been waiting for this very moment since you were born and now every step you take, every obstacle you overcome, every doubt or fear you challenge is removing one more layer that has restricted you from being YOU!!!
Then comes along the weekend energy of ‘Playfulness’… With all the stress over the past few months its time to enjoy being present and bringing in more joy & happiness into your world…
Both joy and happiness are at the top of the energy vibration scale and increases your ability to manifest more abundance, prosperity & wealth into your world…
So why not immerse yourself in your own playful magic as you manifest miracles???
The energy of playfulness rejuvenates your soul & unlocks doors of renewal for you…
Have a truly fabulous week sprinkling your magic around gorgeous…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards are used for this week’s oracle cards, click here to learn more: http://bit.ly/2iDUXE2
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher