Breakthrough The Old & Embrace The New

Have you reached a point in your life where you’ve just had enough of the all the old version of self yet not knowing how to shift into the new…

Old habits, patterns, emotional states, actions, behaviours, thoughts that are no longer conducive to the direction you feel compelled to go…

Today I want to share with you how to stop resisting the old and how to breakthrough to the new…

I want you to consider your mind is like a computer that has a multitude of files with information you’ve collected along your journey…

Each thought about your experiences, perceptions & beliefs etc are stored in those files inside your brain…

Your thoughts invoke an emotional response that determine your outcome or result to achieve…

Those thoughts are based on words you express that trigger an emotions/feeling & that feeling generates an energetic frequency that delivers a physiological responses throughout your whole body…

If you expressed that you that don’t deserve xyz, your mind connects that with a feeling… That feeling of being unworthy or undeserving sends a physiological response into your body that vibrates through every single cell that determines the actions or behaviours you do…

Now, your body begin an incredibly amazing vessel store and records this information back into those filing system within your brain so that every time that feeling occurs it instinctual knows what kind of physiological response to occur… This is all done through the nerve plexus within your body, which there are millions of… And the impulses are done at rapid rate because you have you have expressed these words to self, many times over…

Do you see how repeated cycle associate to the words/thoughts that you voice within impact you as a whole… And how powerful certain words can detrimentally impact you on so many levels…

Now this doesn’t mean it has to stay that way anymore…

How you can shift from the old is through NOT fighting the old…

The human aspect of self wants to fight with self… It wants to get into internal conflict to prove that it can win the fight… Yet this only leads to more exhaustion & no progress… And this is not conducive to the overall goal you want which is to break through the old and move into the new…

So today I want to offer some tips on how to shift the old and embrace the new ways of being…

Now your psychology & physiology need to function cohesively to create change…

And how you do that is by reverse engineering…

1… Ask yourself what goal do you want to achieve…
2…Consider for a moment what outcome/result do you want…
3…? What feeling will need to generate the physiological response throughout your body that inspires you to take the action needed to achieve the goal…
4… So, what thought/words or language could be said to invoke this new cycle/pattern you want….

And here is where affirmations and the power behind words – because remember words produce an energetic frequency that you want to vibrate…  

>>> Therefore you want to say affirmation that aligns with your goal which also activates an energetic frequency that motivates you to take the inspired action do deliver the outcome you want so you can achieve the overall goal you want… <<<

Notice how there is a process to formulate change… If you try to avoid a step in the process your outcome/result will change also…

So it’s vital that each step is done to create the breakthrough you want & install new healthier neurological responses within your brains filing system…

You’ll not only achieve the goal but also start new:
✷ Attitude
✷ Emotions
✷ Feelings
✷ Patterns
✷ Behaviours &
✷ Energetic frequencies
that start attracting a whole new paradigm to you…

So, what started out as just wanting to make change has a whole new meaning behind it now and through investing in yourself you stimulate a whole new reality & perception of YOU!!!

Take a listen to the video below to learn more…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher