As you’re aware the Full Moon is about releasing, letting go and bringing conscious awareness to those cycles/patterns/people/situations/behaviours & past pains that leave you feeling fragmented & store unresolved trauma that you get to surrender and perform rituals to clear them from your energetic frequency… Right!!!
Now let’s go next level!!!
This time of the Full Moon also reveals droplets of gold there for you too… That I’d love for you to explore and give reverence too…
Full Moons offers REBIRTH of the new… So how you unlock that information…
Take a sheet of paper or journal… Reflect & tune into the past 10 days…
Look at:
☆ What did you learn about yourself…
☆ Consider how far you’ve evolved & grown from that old pain point…
☆ From your ritual/release what did you discover about your fears that kept you small…
☆ How will your life change now knowing that this past trauma in your life is healed or still in the transformation of healing…
☆ And lastly, how can you take all this newfound wisdom and focus on building the new…
What will be some of the changes can start implementing to cement the inner work you’ve done that support the rebirth of the new WHOLE being of you on a mind/body/soul/spiritual level…
Remember ‘actions steps’ support the human aspect of self, don’t forget to nourish the SOUL aspect of self through the beingness/energy actions too…
Rebirth is about:
♡ Recognising what is holding you back…
♡ Letting that go (rituals)…
♡ Celebrating how far you’ve come…(journal/write what learnt)
♡ Recalibrating your energy to align with the new you…
♡ Focus on aligning with the next version of you… ( Honouring the human & soulful self through your actions)
Each step is crucial…
And this is how you can really take you FULL MOON RITUALS to the NEXT LEVEL…
If you’re ready to continue your journey of self-discovery & unlocking your innate wisdom then I invite you to book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat today ⏩
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher