You may have been feeling like your experiencing a verge of a breakdown because of the high intensity of emotions that have been surfacing…
There are so many planetary changes occurring due to Mercury Retrograde, New Moon in Pieces, and a Full Moon happening this weekend… Not to mention all the solar flares coming at you too…
Now everyone will experience this so very different… Some are feeling like they are on the verge of a breakdown, others will allow the tears to flow freely without resistance, others may suppress & push down these emotions and others may glide through this time with ease…
So no matter where you are at right now, know that you are exactly where you need to be for your own journey…
Let’s take a look at the New Moon in Pieces which is a water sign... This will be a moment of tears, so don’t be afraid to express your emotions…We are all designed to reset our whole being and at times this done through tears to cleanse & purify our cells and recalibrate our energy so it becomes a match with the person you are growing into…
So it may feel like your experiencing a breakdown first that acts as a catalyst for a breakthrough…I like to think of this period like a phoenix bird… We are reborn through the ashes, but this moment you are reborn through the tears…
Let yourself receive the purifying you deserve so you can make space for other beautiful things to enter into your world…
Be kind, be gentle & let yourself receive in these times…
Much Love
Rachael xx
PS… You may have even seen more dragonflies too, which represent emotional release…