The Overall Theme Is: There Is Magik In The Air
Monday & Tuesday – Abundance – As you follow your intuitive guidance, abundance awaits you… There is a plentiful supply of abundance in the world for us all to receive…
Wednesday – Friday – Gratitude – Gratitude is the greatest emotion to share with the world…
Saturday & Sunday – Sassy – Get up & put that amazing outfit that portrays your self-confidence… Radiate your femme fatale… Be Sassy…
All that you have been dreaming of is about to start flourishing… Why, because you’ve finally believed that anything is possible and your foundations for manifesting are powerful and strong…
Monday & Tuesday is all about abundance, wealth, prosperity & owning your inherent birthright to manifest anything you desire…
You’ve tapped into your sovereign power & unleashing your potential…
Under the influence of the New Moon in Cancer is the freedom to dream what you want, claim that into your frequency and stand guard as a powerful protector of your dreams…
It’s healthy to have a balanced ego at the start of the week… Ego when expressed in a productive manner will mean you won’t compromise your intentions for anyone or anything… It’s only you that you have to look out for… Cancerians are highly emotional…
When balanced they transform into powerhouses to see through bold plans they have the capacity to create…
However, if you become entangled in your emotions they can also be your undoing too…
So this week reveals that gratitude becomes your greatest nemesis to combat any thought, feeling, or emotion that pulls you away from your manifesting divinity…
Now, most people consider expressions of gratitude for their current reality and don’t get me wrong that’s powerful… But this week discloses that you can amplify the potency of your intentions through speaking gratitude into your dreams materializing in the now…
You have the power to alchemize your New Moon Intentions in the present time and space within your reality of now…
By speaking as if you already have what you want now you influence your emotional body to be intoxicated with those feelings of being elated, grateful, and receptive to receiving what you want…
Therefore being instrumental is directing your energy to become expansive & attract that what you claim to be yours with conviction… And that is how you step into the energy of your very own SASSINESS… Sassy is an attitude of confidence, conviction, and claiming all that you want…
Now, remember, don’t be persuaded by the old version of self that could make you feel like you’re being egotistical… What you want is so much bigger than it just being about you… What you want is about changing the lives of many…
Abundance has the capacity to start biz ventures you’ve always wanted to, employ staff and therefore provide income into their family, improve your lifestyle, live authentically as you and not feeling like the life is being sucked out of you by going to a shitty job you can’t stand… Knowing your bills are paid before the due date & most importantly a whole new dimension opens up to the different decisions that align with your soulful self and not guided by a poverty consciousness…
Abundance as you know for most is about a freedom lifestyle… The freedom to do what they want when they want and inspire the shit out of people along the way…
Abundance opens doorways that once seemed closed to you…
You radiate a different energetic code now that your money blocks have released… And all this is available to you this week…
So are you going to claim your sovereign abundant birthright???
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher