Weekly Energy Forecast For Feb 24th – March 1st

This week I decided to design this weeks energy forecast around the question of ‘how to rapidly manifest your new moon intentions’…

The moon phases amplify energy and when you learn how to tap into the frequency of what the moon provides, it accelerates what you’re working on… So with that said, I wanted to help all your gorgeous soul turn dreams into reality…

So the overall theme for this week is Freedom & Focus…

And the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards that came through to reveal this message are:

Monday & Tuesday – Playfulness – Make time for fun & adventure … Playfulness rejuvenates your zest for life…
Wednesday – Friday – Contentment – You have reached a stage in your life where you are peaceful… The soul can soar & the heart is free…
Saturday & Sunday – Energy – Observe how you expend your energy…

Lets explore deeper into the meanings for this week…

With your new moon intentions now locked in with your soul and the universe what happens now is most people start worrying about when there going to show up or how they’ll present themselves, or if your intentions are going to manifest and so on…

So Monday and Tuesdays oracle message is to let go and introduce a more playful approach towards your intentions… When you focus on the what and how your intentions show up you actually set the energy of scarcity and not believing in your power of manifesting…

Yet when you become playful in your energy and mindset you automatically shift the vibration of your energy… Your soul is encouraging that you have fun with your intentions & introduce a little adventure with your manifesting process…

Playing is a magical form of meditation as it opens the heart chakra and allows creative spirit to tap in to divine wisdom…

If playfulness involves being outdoor that extra oxygen will spark new ideas for you too…

By commencing your week with more Play stimulates creativity juices to flow which helps return to your day to day responsibilities with a renewed outlook and increased energy to continue forward…

When you’re coming from a energetic space of fun and light heartedness you release any fears and doubts about your dreams/goals & intentions and surround them with joy/happiness & a renewed zest of vitality of energy that states they are already here in the now and until they show up Im going to enjoy my life knowing that there here…

So it reinforces beliefs of abundance, prosperity and wealth mindset & energy as well…

So everything is vibrating towards that outcome that you want deep into your nervous systems… Not vibrating the frequency of your fears…

And through the rejuvenation of new beliefs, attitudes and actions you take releases all worry and stress and by mid week youll feel such a potent level of contentedness within your whole beingness…

Everything that your doing is directed towards success and soul based beliefs which will be new for you…

The contentment comes through letting go of the old and stepping into the next level you…

Contentment is that inner knowingness that what you’re working on right now is infused with magic & even if you may not see what you want right now, you know that it will become your reality in the very near future…

And this give you the freedom to channel your energy towards your goals/dreams and intentions and not your fears and doubts… You’ve heard me use the expression of embodying what you want to manifest – right!!!

Which leads to the weekends energy of supporting your manifestations with your energy…

Asking, where potentially are you investing your energy… Is it towards what you want or are you attracting more of what you don’t want

Think about this for a minute:

Close your eyes take a deep breath and review your intentions or manifestations as if they are here now…

Now consider:
How will your life improve…
Really see all the amazing changes that occur because of them…
Feel into how differently your energy shows up…
What would you have the freedom to do because of them…
What career would you do..
How could you serve more people or
What would you start a doing differently…

Really take the time to ponder these thoughts because the more you feel into them from a vibrational space not just from a head thinking space the more you intensify and strengthen your belief of them being here…

And by doing this simply exercise of feeling into your intentions daily will magnify your manifestations/intentions and develop a deeper connection to your own source of power from within… From a soul space…

This in itself will radiate a profound level of contentment and self belief like never before…

You have the ability to power up your manifestations through focussing your energy towards your new beliefs…

It is your time to step into your sovereign power to manifest your intentions into reality now!!!

Now talking of manifesting intentions I wanted to share with you a very special offer called Soul Sale…

For all your gorgeous souls out there who have followed me and been apart of my community, I wanted to create some offers that connect with your soul…

So for one week only I am having a sale on the
‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards and Readings with me…

Each of these 3 options –
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards and
The 30 mins and 60 min Psychic Reading, have now been reduced as my way of saying thankyou for all your support…

So if this resonates with your soul, and you feel intuitively guided check out the links to receive these soulful offers…

Be quick as this Soul Sale is only available for one week…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher