Weekly Energy Forecast For April 6th – 12th
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Soul Expansion
This week’s energy forecast comes to you through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards…
Monday & Tuesday – Solitude – Draw all your energy inwards for there is where the answers await…
Wednesday – Friday – Stop – Rest & relaxation is required right now…
Saturday & Sunday – Speak your Truth – Speak from your heart & connect with your truth…
This week we embark on surrendering anything that is holding you back through allowing the energy of the Full Moon (April 8th) to guide what they may be for you…
In order for soul expansion, you are being guided to go within to access your soul’s truth… The winds of change are stirring within you to create change… All fears that have held you back from your soul’s purpose is now being brought to the surface for you to explore if those fears really have validity to the person you are now…
Through closing yourself from all things externals allow you to dive deeply into your soul’s calling… Your intuitive guidance is wanting to be the voice of reason and be louder than that of the voice of doubt…
With all full moons provides an opportunity for your soul to provide clarity of what is holding you back from sharing your awesomeness…
Transformation transpires when you explore your truths…
Which can always reveal old paradigms of myths that have kept you small that now become the most potent time of dissolving that which no longer serves you…
You are being called into service to share and shine your magic with the world, yet your fears surface too…
And fears are designed to become warnings signs of present harm… Yet at this moment these fears are only limitations that you’ve become accustomed to tuning into yet are not real…
As the most famous mantra says fears are only: false evidence appearing real…Your decision, which voice are you going to tune into… Fear or your soul purpose…
You’re here for a reason and purpose…
Now is your time to consider what that looks like for you and take the necessary steps to make that a reality & consciously create stories that align with your vision for the new world you’re being called to create…
And you’ll be given that opportunity to surrender by mid-week when your energy will feel depleted… If your soul wants you to stop, it does so by depleting your energy… And a window of opportunity is provided to really observe, are you aligned with the frequency of the direction you’re wanting to pursue or are you still got one foot in the old variation of self…
The stop card is about recognizing what are you resisting right now… What veil are you hiding behind…? What self-care is required to step into soul expansion… What are you depriving within yourself…
Explore all these answers that come through from these questions…? As these will provide so much divine guidance that you’ll be able to learn, grow and develop from…
When you have a version of self that wants to expand, yet also having another aspect that wants you to shrink, the journey ahead will be exhausting… And that is not what your soul wants for you…
It wants to reveal these areas that require letting go or changing in order to course-correct before pursuing forward…Time is not the limitation anymore, thanks to the current coronavirus… It’s a matter of, are you investing your time wisely…
You are ready for the next step…
This is the gorgeous message that comes screaming out through the speak your truth card… That deep inner calling is being rebirthed within you…
That soul version of self is a feeling that is being generated within you that is undeniable… Encouraging you that you are a part of the new world being created…
Now you can stay stuck in rigid old confinements of the old world or believe in yourself that this is your time…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher