Weekly Energy Forecast For Aug 19th – 25th

This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Awaken From Within

Your about to undertake an inner makeover that will awaken a new level of truth… For years now you’ve portrayed that you don’t need any help from anyone… A lone wolf if you will… Not needing anyone or anything from anyone because you have become self sufficient ,so you thought…

When in fact, you’ve create an emotional armour to protect yourself…

You may have heard me say this before ‘that no one gets through life unscathed’… Everyone that walks this earth has had an experience that has hurt, disappointed them & felt completely let down by someone…

This has only taught you to safeguard yourself from any further pain by creating an emotional barrier that you don’t let anyone penetrate…From the start of the week you soul is guiding you towards allowing that armour to fall away… To allow those barriers to soften and let people in & you learning a new level of trust within yourself…

This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:

Monday & Tuesday – Change – Positive change is occurring on a soul level… It is safe for you to emerge from behind the mask…
Wednesday – Friday – Soul – The power of the soul is passion, creativity & intuition… Look into your soul & connect with your higher self…
Saturday & Sunday –Transformation – Transformation is occurring on a cellular level… Metamorphosis transpires after a time of internal reflection…  

You are not the same person you where when those past pains happened… You have healthier boundaries and you’re soul is cultivating a new way of showing up now… You can reach out for help and it will be there, remember you don’t need to do this journey alone…

This action alone will awaken you to discover that the judgement you felt came from external sources was actually your own judgement of self… The journey you venturing along will be that of rediscovering that you are so much more than you think…

You’ve put yourself down for years and now the soul is saying NO MORE…

It craves validation, honouring and reverence for all the beauty that lays within…

It’s time to access this knowledge and be reintroduces to the real soulful you…

The journey of going within is one of massive transformation…

This time of internal reflection and gratitude for all that you are will allow your wings to expand and soar to new heights… A new authentic version of self will emerge more magical and beautiful than ever before… 

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher | International Psychic