Weekly Energy Forecast For Feb 26th – March 4th

This weeks overall theme is: Personal Power…

​​This week is yet another Full Moon, which falls on Friday the 2nd (for Australian’s – please check your country for correct date)… The full moon she will be bringing light into ways of stepping into your personal power… 

Throughout this week you will be given insight via signs & synchronicities into what is working & to continue more of that… And also, shedding light into what is not working for you and offering you the opportunity to surrender and let go, so there is beautiful new space for you ​​align yourself with your personal power… 

There is a shift within you that is stirring, inviting your into really step into your truth and honour your passion & purpose in a way that is real, raw & honest, yet expressive & what really sets your soul on fire… Letting those close to you get a glimpse of you at a core level… 

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Clairvoyant – Your intuition comes through visual signs… Connect with you third eye to harness this ‘clair’ sense…
Wednesday – Friday – Energy – Observe how you expend your energy…
Saturday & Sunday – Gratitude – 
Gratitude is the greatest emotion to share with the world… 


Much Love
Rachael xx