This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Mindset Matters
Wow what an incredibly intense emotional Full Moon last week…
This week shows the follow up of the heightened energy from the Full Moon…
As you know the luminous glow from the moon at its fullest shines light into your shadow self where your fears, doubts & limitations are buried now float into your consciousness… Which can rattle you when that happens… As humans we like to deny this aspect of self yet this week your limitations move into your awareness…
This is this defining moment which ignites that deep determination & courageous aspect of self that explore if those limitations or BS stories you feed your mind with are you beliefs that align with the person you’ve evolved into…
Monday & Tuesday with the card of Limitations is the moment when you become aware that your mindset matters…
Your thoughts, trigger an emotional state that is then mirrored through your actions… So you can either reverse engineer and focus on your action and work backwards to see if your results are the ones you want if yes – awesome however if the answer if no then focus on the core issue which is your thoughts…
You are not governed by your emotions like we want to believe but rather they become a guidance tool that reflects both your internal and external world… You decide from this moment on how you truly want to feel…
Your thoughts are replaceable, never forget that!!!
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards this Week Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Limitations – Visualise yourself succeeding… Breathe in success & let go of limiting thoughts…
Wednesday – Friday – The World – The world is your oyster… Success shall follow…
Saturday & Sunday – Perception – What is your world reflecting back to you???
Think for a moment “How do you want to feel on a consistent basis” … Then consider what internal dialogue would need to be nourished to activate that feeling… Then ask “Are you feeding your mind with thoughts that invoke this feeling you deeply desire and if not -what is stopping you from giving yourself the very thing you want!!!”
Your mindset is the fuel that gives your human vessel the energy towards what you want… And through improving your mindset this will help you master your emotions and start seeing results you innately want…
This opens you to a whole new world… A world of self-belief and success…
When you honour that you as a powerful creator have been the only thing holding yourself back from all that you deserve, is a huge epiphany… You are abundantly supported and supplied for, so get out of your own way and claim this mindset that matched this frequency…
This new internal shift occurring within you will open new doorways that may have before once been closed to you are now opening… Are you ready to walk through these new doors available to you…
Your belief in self is what will be the deciding factor…? When your belief in yourself the world expands beyond comprehension… So taking a look at your dreams, goals & aspirations will be imperative to make sure they are a match to this new vortex of energy vibrating through you…
Which will lead through to the weekend energy where the veil has been removed and a whole new world becomes accessible to you… As you vibrate towards a higher vibrating thought, along with an enhanced self-belief energy your embodying & new perception, will strengthen a heightened shift internally to a new level you…
Have a magical week…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert & Intuition Teacher
PS>>> Have you decided this week that hiding behind thoughts that deny that intuitive soulful version of self that you’re wanting to reconnect with!!! Then I invite you to book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat here: