This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Listen To The Whispers Of Your Soul
What a gorgeous message to commence 2020… The soul guidance coming through this year is all focussed around the commitment to your soul journey here upon this lifetime on this earth…
The start of the week is reminding you of the free choice that exists within each and every person… Even though your cosmic team is always working alongside you, that human aspect of self comes with choices to decide your destiny & outcome from them…
The thing I love about oracle cards is they reveal the choices & how to work with the variables available to you…
On one hand your soul is guiding you back within to access your truth and commitment to your soulful/spiritual journey whilst also sharing how easy it can be to get caught up in the human aspect of the busy mind and being trapped within your thoughts focussing on your fault and flaws…
Now that’s not to say that when you travel the pathway of tuning into your soul guidance that your faults, flaws and limitations aren’t present because they are… But it’s about where you channel your energy & focus towards that will determine the outcome of how you feel and the results you receive…
Your soul is sharing with you that within in you is the most trusted source of wisdom that is available at any given moment to guide you towards alignment with your truth for you… Your soul understands the magic of you which is your true essence of self & encourages you to access that magic and share it with the world – faults & flaws… Learning to accept all that makes you amazing and embracing this newfound acceptance of self…

This Week’s ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Soul – The power of the soul is passion, creativity & intuition… Look into your soul & connect with your higher self…
Wednesday – Friday – Warrior Queen – The courage to BE YOU…
Saturday & Sunday – Rise Above – Rise above any situation & connect with the universal energy to obtain clarity…
Your soul is sharing with you that within in you is the most trusted source of wisdom that is available at any given moment to guide you towards alignment with your truth for you… Your soul understands the magic of you which is your true essence of self & encourages you to access that magic and share it with the world – faults & flaws… Learning to accept all that makes you amazing and embracing this newfound acceptance of self…
Magic is not outside of you it’s within you…
Yet in times of doubts most people search outside of themselves for the answers when in fact all the answers you ever need are within….
Which becomes confirmed mid-week with the appearance of the Warrior Queen… The Warrior Queen knows her destination of her goals, dreams and desires yet she does not all possess the how to steps but her believe within herself and her journey is where she channel her energy towards and follows the guidance of her cosmic team through the invisible forces of her intuition and the signs & synchronicities from the universe to be her very guide towards staying committed to her own personal journey designed for her…
The invisible forces of intuition make not be something you can tangibly touch just yet, although those intuitive nudges are undeniable and that is what the Warrior Queen becomes committed too… Working with the certainty of her belief within self and her cosmic team and the uncertainty of knowing that right now not every step is laid out for her to follow… But she has the first step and is ready to follow that knowing that the next step will be revealed when she needs it…
And by staying deeply connected to her soul within that infinite wisdom from her most trusted source will light the pathway to achieving everything she ever dreamt of…
Whilst being consciously aware of the drama and chaos right now on a global scale… For those sensitive empaths it can be so easy to be caught up in the trauma, pain and suffering happening right now which will only deplete and pull you into negative vibrations… Instead allow that empathy to be channelled towards sending love & healing to occupants who walks this earth right now that need this additional support… That way you can use this incredible gift constructive rather than allowing it to self-destruct you…
This is how you can Rise Above the drama & chaos showing up externally… Now there is an internal component to this oracle card message that plays out throughout the weekly cards which is to rise above the drama you maybe creating within yourself too…
At the beginning of the week you see the limitations of self-imposed thoughts keeping you small surface… Rise Above this old paradigm and give empathy to self, knowing that old patterns & cycles could surface but that free choice to choose other options are available to you…
Become empowered through the choices you can make at any given time to stay on your pathway to success or even if you become derailed, bring that awareness into your consciousness and course correct and any given moment…
The power is within you to consciously create the life of your dreams…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert & Intuition Teacher
PS>>> Are your ready to develop your intuition & turst those invisible force that are undeniable??? Then I invite you to book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat here today: