Weekly Energy Forecast For March 12th -18th

This weeks overall theme is: Just To BE

As humans we have been taught to be busy DOING and now this week is all about being in a space of BEINGNESS… 

That quiet contemplative state so you are open to ask questions about what is it that you really want in your life, on an overall factor… 

Not just things you want to attract into your life, but also about the BEINGNESS… Who do you want to BE… 

Because in order to attract what you want, there is an element of BEINGNESS that factors into the equation also… 

When you become the person you want to be, you match the frequency of what you want to magnetise to you so easily because you’ll be in a natural state of flow… 

As this moment is preparing you for the New Moon which falls on this Saturday, which focus point is what intentions do you want to set for the coming month… 

The BEYOU’ Oracle Cards For This Week Are:

Monday & Tuesday – Stop – Rest & relaxation is required right now…
Wednesday – Friday – Abundance – As you follow the guidance, abundance awaits you… There is a plentiful supply of abundance in the world for us all to receive…
Saturday & Sunday – Frustration – What you think is frustrating is only surface deep…

Towards the weekend, situations that may have been swept under the carpet will surface as it is time to tidy up any loose ends that are creating a blocks in your manifestation process… 

Im inclined to believe this frustration that is wanting to present itself is due to a miscommunication of both sides, so don’t get caught up in the superficial aspects of it, dig deeper into what is it at a core level that requires clarity… With this being said, please also consider if this frustration is one about a mismatch within your own self too… 

It could reflect that you are manifesting from the old person you used to be with all the limitations and blocks from the past, when you are no longer that person anymore… Something just to consider…Only you will know the answer to your own frustration… 

Have a fabulous week…

Much Love
Rachael xx