Weekly Energy Forecast For March 26th – 1st April

This weeks overall theme is: Abundant mindset… 

We have all heard the expression of its is your birthright to receive abundance right??? Well how many people actually believe that they are abundant, that can attract abundance and allow the tap of abundance to flow freely to you???

Well this is the week to change the mindset, observe all old outdated beliefs and install new powerful thoughts that attract what you desire… 


My absolute favourite mantra for abundance is:
“I am a freakin great receiver!!!” And ” I believe in me!!!”

You see, I know people can manifest their desires no problem, but how many actually allows themselves to receive their desires??? 

Manifesting or attracting abundance is a two way street… Set your intentions #1 and receiving is #2… 
You cant have #1 without the other… 

So then my question to you is: “What is your abundance mindset???

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:

Monday & Tuesday – Abundance – As you follow your guidance, abundance awaits you… There is a plentiful supply of abundance in the world for us all to receive… 
Wednesday – Friday – Steps – Every step in your life has led you towards this moment… Break through illusions that are preventing your growth…
Saturday & Sunday – Empowerment – 
Allow yourself to feel vulnerable which will encompass empowerment…

Have an amazing and safe Easter break… 

Much Love
Rachael xx​​​​​

PS >>> If this message resonates with someone you know, feel free to share this with them also… ​​