Weekly Energy Forecast For May 4th – 1oth
Yet another powerful message coming through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards…
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Tune Into Your Emotions
Monday & Tuesday – Pieces Of The Puzzle – This card is to honour the journey you have been on… All the final pieces of the puzzle are drawing to a near, so don’t quit yet!!!
Wednesday – Friday – Frustration – What you think is frustrating is only surface deep…
Saturday & Sunday – The World – The world is your oyster, success shall follow…

This week is about tying back into your new moon intention manifestations you set back on April 23rd… As we move towards a full moon this week on Thursday, May 7th all your emotions will be guiding you towards reviewing what fears, blocks or limitations are surfacing that are preventing you from taking inspired action towards your intentions…
Let’s dive in deeper and explore the individual message through the oracle cards this week…
Pieces of the puzzle message are about that aha or epiphany that comes into your consciousness about exactly what is your block & awakens a new perspective around what is holding you back from having everything you desire…
These awakening moments unlock new thoughts process, accesses choices around the beliefs that float around in the background of your mind and interfering with the frequency of your desires…
When you’ve had limiting beliefs anywhere, they vibrate their own frequency continually until they are resolved… And this week is the week to simply let them go upon the Full Moon…
This is what I adore about oracle cards as they highlight what is for your highest potential and how to surrender to them through our decisions… As your decisions are usually always governed by your emotions… How the sequence between action or no action is:
Thoughts + Emotions = Action or No Action
Emotions create feeling connections to what you desire… The mind is like a huge database where every experience | situation or person is stored and becomes activated when you want to gain insight about a step you want to take forward…
For example:
Say you’ve wanted to do videos for facebook etc but the last time you tried things went horribly wrong…
Now what happens is when you think about doing them again your mind goes back to that time and retrieves all those emotions & thoughts about those times and brings them into your awareness again…
This memory retrieval will either stop you in your tracks and not take any action or you decide that this belief is no longer going to block your progress towards your desires and you do the inner work to eliminate that belief from your consciousness…
This is the power of free choice through your decision-making process this week…
And we see this come through mid-week when the frustration card comes through… How many times ha something from the past reared its head again and you’ve thought “oh no, not this again, I thought I dealt with this”…
Not to worry… You may have to revisit old beliefs a few times before they finally clear themselves because there are many perceptions from which you view this one perception…
So try not to judge what comes up…
View that it’s a beautiful gift from your soul revealing what is the block and how to move closer towards your dreams… Remember, decisions/thoughts create the emotions that inspired you to take action…
And though the magic of those Aha moments and releasing those limiting beliefs presents the weekend energy with The World message…
Which is all about recognizing that the world is within you that vibrates out into the ether that then becomes reflected back to you and that the world is ready for you to shine your amazingness now…
Be prepared for new opportunities to enter into your world, resources become available to you easily and your inner strength becomes heightened through creating the available space from letting go under the influence of the full moon that your manifestation rapidly starts showing up…
This is a potent week from being guided from the inside out and working with your soul to not be your emotions but let them be your guide…
Wishing you a magical week…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher
PS: If you’ve ever dreamt of becoming a paid professional oracle reader but you don’t know where to start, then I invite you to a FREE Sacred Soul Chat today, and let’s turn that dream into a reality for you with the Sacred Oracle Online Program…