This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Go Within
We start of this beautiful week with the incredibly auspicious number sequence of 11:11… A potent timing for manifesting along with being the remembrance day for all the amazing souls that served out countries to protect the freedom we have available to us today…
With Monday & Tuesday being the soulful message of speaking your truth, that is a reminder that your thoughts are consciously creating your reality through every word you speak… Be mindful of the life you want and the person you want to evolve into and become aligned with your energy, your words and the internal conversations with self…
Affirmations and mantras are a gorgeous way to speak into your dreams…
To give life to them by expressing what you want and matching the energy of them in the now…
Most people can usually rattle off all the things they don’t want and that only manifests more of what you don’t want… Let’s breaks that cycle and focus on building the new… Be very clear and concise of your dreams|goals & desires and speak the frequency of them through your expression of words…
Repeat your dreams into reality & as a conscious reminder to your human aspect of self which increases your vibration and awareness of what you’re worthy of too…
Words are a powerful manifesting tool so use them wisely…
On the 12/11/19 is the full moon… A time of getting in touch with your shadow self and integrating parts of self you’ve denied… That place within that stores your anger, shame, blame and guilt that is no longer serving the divine gorgeous soul that you are now…
Take moment to consider how different would your life be if you no longer carried these burdens of past pains around anymore… How light your energetic frequency would be and increasing your ability to manifest more rapidly… Change can occur instantaneously if you choose that option…
Like I mentioned above, that your soul is encouraging you this week to focus on building the new… So, let go of anything that is weighing you down and emerge revealing a new version of self to you and the world…
The version of you that is authentic and real to yourself…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards For This Week Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Speak Your Truth – Speak from your heart & connect with your truth…
Wednesday – Friday – Change – Positive change is occurring on a soul level… It is safe for you to emerge from behind the mask…
Saturday & Sunday – Soul – The power of the soul is passion, creativity & intuition… Look into your soul & connect with your higher self…
Which leads the message coming through midweek of understanding that your soul is restructuring deep down at a soul level… So feed your mind with words that support this evolution of self and nourish your soul through surrendering to all that no longer serves you to be the catalyst of restructuring your cells to this whole new vibration of self…
Drop your guard down because you do not need to do this journey alone…
Keeping people at a distance is only hurting you… You’re flourishing into the genuine version of self that emerged before life & experiences hardened you… Now you’re ready to explore a more intimate relationship with self and others…
You’ve been so strong for so long and yet this has only left you lonely and isolated from the connections you’ve craved… You can do this… You can allow your defence mechanisms to fall away because you know that you will always be divinely supported along your journey and that you’re ready to emerge from behind the mask and allow people in to get to know this incredible soul that you are…
The weekend is where you become aware of that internalised harsh judgement you have about self… Your soul is revealing that the judgement you thought came external, first originated internally with you…
Growth occurs when you accept what was, yet understand that you’re powerful enough to connect deep with yourself and honour the truth of who you really are…. Flaws and all…
You are magnificent and ready to spread your wings and fly…
Cut any ties that weigh you down and let your spirit and soul soar gorgeous…
For all the gorgeous souls out there wanting to find a tribe that supports & nourishes your soul evolution & want to clear your old baggage whilst discovering who you are through using the oracle cards as the tool to unlock your truth, then I invite you to book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat today through the link here:
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher