Hey Soul Vibers,
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Connect To Your Sacred Soul
As you move into this week, there is a real energetic pull to tap into your most valuable resource being your sacred soul self…
You soul self is that place within that knows your journey, your lessons and what you are here to do and how to do that… Yet there are times you can become distracted by external noise & sometimes the noise that can also come from self too… These moments are distractions & your lesson is not to engage…
Focus on the next step in your journey, even if you need to write them down so that each time you become aware that you wavering from your purpose then you have some simple steps to bring you back in alignment…
This is the moment you take back your personal power and understand the importance of what you do each day will determine the outcome & the results you get…
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Rise Above – Rise above any situations & connect with the universal energies to obtain clarity…
Wednesday – Friday – Warrior Queen – The courage to ‘BE YOU’…
Saturday & Sunday – Strength – I am peace with who I am…
Have a beautiful week & remember always believe in the magic of your intuitive soul self…
Much Love
Rachael xx