This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Expansion, Growth And A Time To Flourish
There is an intuitive nudge inspiring you to jump into things you’ve always wanted to do… How many times do you put things off with the excuses of being time poor, not enough money and so on…? And the days pass by and you haven’t done the things you’ve always wanted to try…
Well, this week your soul says no more of these old patterns, it’s time to grow… And how you do that is by stepping out of your comfort zone…
On August 30th, was a beautiful New Moon… A time of assessing, going within & deeply connecting with your souls desires so that you can design your next month in alignment with your dreams…
So as you know, dreams require getting out of your own way and saying YES to you…
You are here to learn, grow and evolve and you do that through experiences in life… And now it’s time to consider what are all the gorgeous things you’ve put on the back burner waiting for that right time, well here it is… The right time…
Allow yourself to contemplate what are all those things you’ve just wanted to try… Write them down and consider your options…
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Moon Cycles – The moon will enable you to connect to aspects of self that yearn to be acknowledged & honoured…
Wednesday – Friday – Love – You embody so much love it radiates from within you… Thank you…
Saturday & Sunday – Perception – What is the world reflecting back to you…
Last week the soulful guidance that came through was about evolving into new levels… Well this week is about exploring the layers within those levels…
Making different decisions & choices that align with the new growth of you and expanding your comfort zones so that you light that fire within you… And this is where you’ll flourish…
Expansion comes when you connect with your passions, desires and open your heart to new experiences and through that you discover a spark of excitement for life again…
When you heart is full of joy and happiness this inspires others to learn through your example… Your soul is reminding you that you’re here to enjoy the journey of life, not just go through the motions of life, but actually live life…
You’ve heard the expression before of ‘design your life’, right!!!
How, do you envision your life to be…
What changes need to occur within your thoughts, what actions need to be taken and how can you align with your soul guidance this week…
Now, the reality is that when you jump into doing new things, be conscious that its natural for you do feel nervous… However, those nervous butterflies don’t always mean that you’re scared…No!!! They can also indicate excitement as well…
Nervousness and excitement share the same physiological responses within… So, before you consider that you’re scared, shift your perception to recognising sheer excitement too…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Intuition Teacher & International Psychic