Weekly Energy Forecast

This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Balance Is The Key

And the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards soulful guidance is:

Monday & Tuesday – Shadow Self – Time to love & accept all parts of self… Your internal dialogue is ready for an overhaul… Acceptance will become your focus…
Wednesday – Friday – Hope – The stars shine so bright they highlight your willpower & determination to achieve your desired goals… Hope aligns you with faith to believe in yourself…
Saturday & Sunday – Moon Cycles – The full moon will enable you to connect to aspects of self that yearn to be acknowledged & honoured…

Let’s dive in deeper to reveal each cards divine guidance…

This week’s divine message is all about learning how to generate the most resourceful energy from both archetypes of the masculine and feminine to complete task and tune into the real authentic essence of you…

Each week the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards soulful guidance allows you to learn what energy is vibrating on a collective conscious level, which means everyone will be feeling into the current vibes, yet the cards reveal how to optimise the energy from that more evolved version of self…

Which is always so incredibly insightful and channelled towards awakening your intuition that reveals little droplets of magical wisdom into your consciousness…

Let,s explore what balance really means…

Balance is about achieving alignment both internally and externally within all aspects of self & life… Because we all know what happens to your inner world when you’re out of sync… Chaos, frustration and overwhelm become the energetic driver that activates your actions, thoughts and behaviours… Which then ultimately leads towards only attracting more of what you don’t want – right!!!

So when the cards share that balance is the key energy to work with, they also reveal the how to steps as well… Which are:

Allowing both energies of the masculine and feminine to provide that powerhouse of ingenious strengths being, strategy, planning and self confidence from the masculine to get motivated & inspired to get started with your tasks then once that energy has ignited your determination then allowing the gorgeous energy of the feminine, being alignment, flow and intuition to continue to drive your energy towards the finish line…

And sprinkle that with a little bit of hope and BOOM before you know it, those task are getting completed so that you can relish in the feeling of accomplishment, pride and staying true to your core essence that just radiates who you are…

Now whenever you’re elevating into new levels of self, it’s only natural that fears, doubts and illusions filter through… So I want to be able to help you harness these emotional states from an empowered source of personal power and share with you one of my favourite techniques I’ve done for years when these moments pop up…

Because it’s not about fight those thoughts or emotions, it’s about working to clear them and express gratitude for the gorgeous insider information from your soul entering into your awareness about areas within your frequency that no longer vibrate you vibe anymore…

Which is powerful…

In this weeks energy forecast video, I mentioned a link for a meditations technique to release fears & doubts that keep from being in your flow state… So here it is gorgeous: link to the meditation technique

And if you want tap into your gorgeous self to clear illusion holding you back through the beauty of rituals, here is: Full Moon Empowerment Reset Workbook here for you as well…

If you’d like to learn more meditations and rituals that tune into your soul, then I invite you to book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat with me…

Have a most wonderful magical week ahead gorgeous…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert & Intuition Teacher