This Weeks Overall Theme Is: The Magic Of Going Within
This truly is a gorgeous week of tuning into your own intuitive soulful guidance… Your soul is activating your own truth & awakening a new layer of potential this week… Embrace this energy that unfold this week…
Your soul is revealing into your consciousness some old pattern, past pain that triggers your emotions of anger, guilt, ashamed etc as a beautiful insight of this old vibrational energy from a time in your life which is now only holding you back…
See the eye within the card…
The eye is the window into your soul…
That radiant gorgeous being within that is wanting to surface and shine that essence of who you are at a soul core level… Allow that to happen now…
Your past can only affect you if you feed those emotions from that time…
Explore your options right now to heal, transform & really clear this frequency from within… Ask you soul “how can I let go of all the unresolved emotions from this pain and what is my lesson I can take forward…”
Remember, your soul & the universe are part of your cosmic team here to assist your along your journey…
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Steps – Every step in your life has led you towards this moment… Break through illusions that are preventing your growth…Wednesday – Friday – Empowerment – Allow yourself to feel vulnerable which will encompass empowerment…
Saturday & Sunday – Contemplation – Focus on desires that align with your soul contract…
As you clear that energy, new levels of vulnerability will provide a gateway in to unlocking your divine femme strength & deepen your connection with your intuition… The flowers on the card represent growth & expansion within your heart that is cracking open to the next level you…
Vulnerability actually reveals your strengths…
Feel into this vulnerability to discover new truths for yourself… You may reconnect with a sense of that quiet inner confidence you had not felt in some time… Harness this new soulful guidance…
The weekend offers the opportunity to bring these new levels of awareness to your dreams/soul contract/mission…
Contemplate how can this profound new understanding expand your dreams… How can you breathe this new essence of the new you into your dreams… What adjustments or tweaks can be implements into your dreams to support the new level of growth within you… Mirror your new evolution into your dreams…
The world is ready for you to shine your magic…
Are you ready to unlock your magic and discover how to develop your intuitive guidance…
Now is the time to put in place what you need to support rapid growth for the remainder of the year.
Time to step up and own that intuitive being you were born to be, starting by booking a FREE Sacred Soul Chat here This is how you give yourself permission to shine that gorgeous soul…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Intuition Teacher & International Psychic