Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night for the southern hemisphere… Which is tonight…

There are always potent potals that open to provide so much incredible times of reflections, assessing & transformation – and this is the time…

❄️ REFLECTION of where your life is right now, considering if what is showing up in your world is in alignment with your true soul self, connecting deeply with yourself to build a stronger relationship with self…

❄️ ASSESSING what changes need or are wanting to take place that you could be resisting and why… Also, making any course correction to bring yourself into focus on whats truly important for you and the next 6months ahead… Whats it going to take to get you where you want to be… Life is filled with decision and choices that will always affect your outcome so there is a aspect of self responsibility that filters back into your consciousness asking you to consider these question and importantly, what are your answers…

❄️ TRANSFORMATION comes throught he healing of old wounds, patterns and behaviours that have held you stuck in the same space… Allowing yourself to be free from these shackles that keep you playing small and start awakening you to your soul power & potnetial which encourages you to step up and start believing that anything, anything is possible if you choose to back yourself…

There is magic in the air right now, a time of going within to access your strengths, seeing your truths & letting go…

You’ll feel drawn to meditate, connect with nature and do some much needed self lovin as you journey within to clear your pathway forward…

A renewed sense of being awakened to all the potential that lays within you is revealed to strengthen your courage to take the neccesary steps forward towards making dreams a reality… And this all begins by setting clear intentions of what you can to call in/manifest/ and take the required steps to achieve, reclaim within self your commitments & qualities that will propel towards your truth & quicken the healing by letting go…

You may experience sleepiness and wanting or needing short naps or having deep sleep, your energy may not be vibing as high because there is so much inner work taking place…

So be patience, compassionate and give yourself what you need right now…


Much Love 
Rachael xx
Intuition Teacher & International Psychic