Your Own Personal Truth Bomb Visits When Mercury Goes Retrograde

Most people associate Mercury Retrograde is a time to hide under the bed covers and hide from the world as everyone can go a little haywire… Which does herald a level of truth (which I’ll cover more of the Mercury symptoms below), yet there is a beautiful self-truth that is revealed through this time as well…

Mercury Retrograde enables you to truly get in touch with your own truth… In this timeframe, you’ll access a whole new level of identity… As Mercury is the planet of communication, that also involves how you communicate with self…

There will be moments of deep contemplation considering how you’ve been communicating with the world, has the given you the results you’ve wanted or is there a much more productive way to express your thoughts that could actually give more people insight into who you truly are…

You’ll have the ability to catch yourself out on your own BS & create beautiful change…

This is an incredibly potent period of personal transformation if you’re prepared to work through the layers of illusions…

Illusions from within… Those places derived from fear/doubts & playing small… That internal self-talk that has kept you hiding who you truly are at a soul level…

You’ll gain valuable insight from just observing your thoughts through this planetary change…

Your soul will become increasingly sensitive & heightened to any thoughts that have held you back and almost repel against any internal dialogue that involves self-loathing or putting yourself down…

Stop those old habits of calling yourself stupid, dumb or an idiot… Shit happens, doesn’t mean you’re stupid… If you wouldn’t speak those words to others, then don’t say them to yourself…

That innate wisdom emerging from your soul will immediately pull you up on this inner behaviour of self-bullying and want instant change for your highest good…

Your soul will no longer tolerate treating yourself in this manner anymore… So tune into the guidance that radiates from your inner world, as your soul is revealing a beautiful new way of being with yourself…

You’ll start discovering new layers of truth for you & being more comfortable to express that with the world…

When you know how to articulate what is deep within your soul then all relationships evolve, especially the relationship with self…

Mercury is the planet of communication… So, anything that involves communicating like:

Relationships – friends, family & loved ones oh yeah and
Travel is a problem too…

Can all go a bit haywire when this planet retrograde… It is also not a good time to not make any decisions that involve legal matters that require contracts as things can take longer or get lost in the pile & because your versions of the truth will change after retrograde too…

What seemed important before retrograde could radically change through this time of internal reflection & discover that that thing no longer matters as much anymore…

Consider backing up all phones & computer before retrograde… Double check emails have been sent throughout this time & be kind to each other…

In this time people’s ability to be patient becomes tested… More road rage, public transport issues & even plane timetables changes… So, try to stay calm…

Mercury being the planet of communication can make everyone short-tempered, frustrated & say things we may not mean but in the heat of the moment just explode…

This is a time to be INCREDIBLY mindful of the phrase – Words Can Either Heal Or Harm…

Words can be used as weapons and we think that if we apologise that’s ok… But for that person on the receiving end of that venom being expressed to them, will make them consider that there is some truth to what has been said – so be warned…

Watch what comes out your mouth in this period…

People from the past can appear… It may give you the opportunity to have that conversation to express any residual feelings with that person… And receive closure…

Be aware of how you truly feel when you share with people from the past… There is no need to rehash old situation/behaviours or actions… This is a moment to tap into your real emotions & truth with this person…

You can learn how to develop a deeper connection with your soul self when you develop your intuition… As intuition is how your soul communicates with you…

Start listening to that inner voice that reminds you of your true inner power!!!

I am here to help women like you who are ready to rise into their true potential, shift their vibration & align with your soul…

If you’re nodding your head and saying ‘YES’, then let’s do this!!! Book a call with me and I’ll help you feel aligned with who you want to become…

These calls are a sacred opportunity to see the light of your own potential in its true essence… Book in here 👉👉

Much Love
Rachael xx
International Psychic & Intuition Teacher