Are You Celebrating Your Accomplishments

How often to you get to Sunday and all your thoughts are focussed on the coming week ahead…

Like, what you’ve got to do, the things you need to get organised and the million of things on your to do list and feel a sense of overwhelm at the magnitude of things that are before you… And are exhausted before the coming weeks even begins…

What if you shifted your percpetion on a Sunday…

And gave yourself permission to reflect on ALL the freakin amazing things you did over the past week that you’re so totally proud of within yourself…

Oh Wait!!! You’ve forgotten that art of celebrating your wins…

As humans we become so accustomed to thinking about what we dont have or the next thing that we FAIL miserable at looking at all the accomplishments you do daily and brush them aside like there nothing…


Before you even consider next week, grab a coffee and sit back and just allow you mind to float back over your previous week and recount all the amazing things you’ve accomplished… 

EVERYTHING… No matter how big or small the accomplishment – a win is a win…

Celebrate that…

Make Sunday the funday that you reflect and acknowledge what you have DONE/DID, the energy you’ve brought to your life/work/family/friends, the breakthroughs you’ve had within yourself – anything…

Let yourself reel in the FEEL GOOD ZONE of recognising these moments and give yourself a huge HIGH FIVE for the hard work you did…

Tell yourself, you’re proud of yourself… 

Your soul & human aspect thrive on hearing these moments of self expression of recognising that divine gorgeous soul that you are…

What ever you do DO NOT use the word BUT in the sentence when reviewing your week…

DONT say: ” I am so proud of xyz BUT could of done better” … OK…

When you use the word BUT, it cancels anything you said before it and then the mind only hears what comes after it…
It becomes self defeating when reviewing and reflecting your wins and awesomeness to then completely delete and cancel out your accomplishments…

If you do notice that the word BUT comes in, STOP in that moment, take a deep breath to reset your energy and then repeat the sentence again and remove the word BUT from the sentence or thoughts ok gorgeous…

This is a magical moment to remind yourself that you are worthy, deserving and freaking awesome… never forget that… 

That is you job to give to yourself what you need, not sit around and wait for others to remind you of your accomplishments…

You can give this gift to yourself… All you need to do is take the time to do it…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher