Believe Anything Is Possible

Weekly Energy Forecast For November 1st – 7th
The Overall Theme Is: Believe Anything Is Possible

This Weeks Energy Is Guiding Your Towards:
– Stop judging yourself based on someone else’s success. Follow their steps of success BUT inject your own divine soul essence into each step…
– Embrace the memories reminding you of all your accomplishments. They are coming up to fuel you to keep you believing in yourself…
– New Moon in Scorpio Wednesday/Thursday…
– Visions of both your past achievements & future successes to inspire you to keep going Gorgeous…

Here are the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards that came through:
Monday & Tuesday – UNIQUENESS – Your uniqueness is to be celebrated, rejoiced, and owned for you are loved for all that you are…
Wednesday – Friday – STEPS – Every step in your life has led you towards this moment. Breakthrough illusions that are preventing your growth…
Saturday & Sunday – CLAIRVOYANCE – Your intuition comes through visual signs. Connect with your third eye to harness this ‘clair’ sense…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards are used for this week’s oracle cards: