As you evolve, grow & uplevel, your mind becomes expansive to new ideas that start floating into your consciousness… Which is fabulous at the beginning…
But what usually happens after a short period of time is you become stuck with all these remarkable ideas and start to feel overwhelmed by them all… It’s as if the mind becomes bombarded with ideas, then you consciously digest these ideas, so now you have even more ideas then your mind goes into to overload and you don’t even know where to start…
Your soul uploads information into your consciousness sometimes sharing the next step, or sparks motivation on an old idea you didn’t execute on, or even shed light on something so refreshingly new… Yet if the human mind cannot process it all it just becomes noise, distraction & eventually you’re exhausted & trapped inside your own mind just from overthinking…
Energy loves momentum & your thoughts are energy… So, let me share with you how to breakthrough the mind funk of excessive chitter chatter, gain clarity, reboot your energy vibration to feel aligned again…
#1 Brain dump every single thought down on paper… The mind only can process a certain amount of information… Once overloaded without any avenue to distribute all that energy, it starts to shut down or go into emotional melt down mode… And if you’re reading this, then I’m guessing you’ve had enough of this process & want to do something incredibly amazing with your ideas…
Don’t even judge what you write, this part is purely about creating space within your consciousness…
#2 Priorities… Now that you’ve cleared all the mind funk out, lets determine what is noise and what is important right now…
Delete everything that is not important anymore… What can happen is when the minds overloaded, everything starts to feel like a priority when in fact it’s not…
You may even discover that some of these amazing ideas may not be relevant for right now, but yet require you write them down in a notebook, so you don’t forget them & revisit them at a later date when more applicable…
#3 Action Baby… Now you’re equipped with your list of what is most relevant right now… Get moving… Take that inspired action now… Action is where you can channel all these innovative ideas into brilliant steps of achievement towards the magic of turning dreams into reality…
Next time you feel imprisoned by your thoughts, remember your soul is provided all this incredible insight of how to live the life you desire, it’s the human mind that wants to overthink everything & delay the alchemy of beautiful change to occur…
Much Love
Rachael xx