Don’t Give Up On Your Promises

Weekly Energy Forecast For December 13th – 19th
This Week’s Overall Theme Is: Don’t Give Up On Your Promises

This Weeks Energy Is Guiding You Towards:
– Let your promises be bolder & stronger than your fears…
– When in doubt, tune into the fierce inner lioness energy within to overcome any obstacles…
– CLEAR. CLEAR. CLEAR YOUR SH!T. Your Soul is encouraging & supporting you. Let your light grow & it all begins by clearing that which holds you back from radiating your soulful essence…

Here are the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards that came through:
Monday & Tuesday – DREAMS – Don’t give up just before you have achieved your dreams…
Wednesday – Friday – SHADOW SELF – Time to love & accept all parts of self. Your internal dialogue is ready for an overhaul. Acceptance will become your focus…
Saturday & Sunday – HOPE – Stars shine so bright they highlight your willpower & determination to reach all your goals. Hope aligns you with faiths to believe in yourself…

Kevin Hart Quote:

Book An Energy Clearing Session Today

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher